Introduction: A Variety of Innovation Topics and Approaches



Published 18-09-2018
Mikel Gómez Uranga Goio Etxebarria Kerexeta


This introductory article to the special issue of the journal Cuadernos de Gestión consists of two clearly differentiated sections. The first contains some ideas which may prove useful for readers approaching the topic of innovation and who find a wide range of concepts. Special care has been taken to offer a full explanation of the concept of "Open Innovation" (OI). OI arises from companies having realized that they cannot innovate when they are isolated. They constantly need to acquire ideas and resources from their external environment. As regards the concept of Regional Innovation Systems (RIS), which have been widely discussed in literature on innovation and regional development during the last fifteen years, some ideas which may be complimentary to OI are presented. The authors go on to show the characteristics and differences between the two concepts. The second section gives a brief overview of the rest of the articles that make up this monographic issue on innovation.

How to Cite

Gómez Uranga, M., & Etxebarria Kerexeta, G. (2018). Introduction: A Variety of Innovation Topics and Approaches. Cuadernos De Gestión, 12(3), 15–26.
Abstract 93 | PDF (Español) Downloads 94



Open Innovation, Regional Innovation Systems, networking

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