Earnings Benchmarks in International hotel firms



Published 18-09-2018
Laura Parte Esteban María Jesús Such Devesa


This paper focuses on earnings management around earnings benchmarks (avoiding losses and earnings decreases hypothesis) in international firms and non international firms belonging to the Spanish hotel industry. First, frequency histograms are used to determine the existence of a discontinuity in earnings in both segments. Second, the use of discretionary accruals as a tool to meet earnings benchmarks is analysed in international and non international firms. Empirical evidence shows that international and non international firms meet earnings benchmarks. It is also noted different behaviour between international and non international firms.

How to Cite

Parte Esteban, L., & Such Devesa, M. J. (2018). Earnings Benchmarks in International hotel firms. Cuadernos De Gestión, 11(2), 15–36. https://doi.org/10.5295/cdg.090191lp
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Discretionary accruals, earnings benchmarks, frequency histograms, Spanish hotel industry

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