Possibilities of B2C buying and selling using mobile devices in comparison with Internet



Published 18-09-2018
Sonia San Martín Gutiérrez Blanca López Catalán


New technologies have involved a great opportunity to improve business management. On the one hand, Internet is beginning to be a selling channel that is valid and complementary of the traditional channel, apart from being a channel to search information and socialize. On the other hand and recently, mobile marketing is useful in a commercial sense: the mobile phone incorporates television, camera, radio, chat and now firms are introducing in the issue of advertising and in other regions in selling through the mobile phone. In spite of the increasing number of studies on traditional distribution and on electronic commerce, the studies that explore the possibilities and challenges of the mobile telephone and that compare it with Internet as buying and selling channels are scarce. The goal of this study is to compare the situation of B2C buying and selling through Internet and through the mobile phone and the theoretical approaches applied in each case. This paper presents common advantages for consumers and firms in both buying and selling channels and also clear differences between them. Besides, this study revises the main approaches and determinants of the buying in each case.

How to Cite

San Martín Gutiérrez, S., & López Catalán, B. (2018). Possibilities of B2C buying and selling using mobile devices in comparison with Internet. Cuadernos De Gestión, 10(1), 17–34. https://doi.org/10.5295/cdg.100158ss
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e-commerce, m-commerce, buying and selling

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