Development of Corporate Social Responsibility Legislation in Argentina



Published 18-09-2018
Miguel Blazquez María Florencia Peretti Mónica Buraschi Leonardo Sedevich Fons Alfredo Mondino


The purpose of this paper is, on the one hand, to disclose the legislative actions that Argentine Government its different jurisdictions has undertaken about Corporate Social Responsibility in; and, on the other hand, to set the authors´ point of view as regards its future development.

Considering the fact that there is no a comprehensive national legislation about this subject, some local laws and initiatives are taken as example. One of them is Act No. 2594 by Legislatura de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, which demands companies to publish entrepreneurial social reports. Another source is national Act No. 25877 and its modification proposals, which deals with Working Regime Order in relation to Social Report publications. Besides, another regulatory project about the topic from Municipalidad de San Carlos de Bariloche is taken into account.

How to Cite

Blazquez, M., Peretti, M. F., Buraschi, M., Sedevich Fons, L., & Mondino, A. (2018). Development of Corporate Social Responsibility Legislation in Argentina. Cuadernos De Gestión, 10(1), 89–100.
Abstract 135 | PDF (Español) Downloads 76



Corporate Social Responsibility, Social Report, Stakeholders, Argentina

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