Strategic Planning as a management tool in local government



Published 18-09-2018
Ángel Iglesias Alonso


Local councillors and public managers have to face a recurrent problem: with scarce resources they have to be responsive to the citizen's demands and other actors in the local arena, combining the delivery of efficient local services with democratic quality. Using qualitative data, this article analyses a process of strategic planning in a local government to ascertain to what extent such a process contributes to conciliate the demands of more local democracy and better provision of public services with the participation of both citizens and local economic actors. Evidence provided by this case is positive although more comparative research is needed.

How to Cite

Iglesias Alonso, Ángel. (2018). Strategic Planning as a management tool in local government. Cuadernos De Gestión, 10(1), 101–120.
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Local governance, city strategic planning, citizen's participation, public administration modernization

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