Regional Entrepreneurial Scorecard



Published 18-09-2018
José Daniel Lorenzo Gómez Álvaro Rojas Vázquez José Ruiz Navarro


This paper examines the relationship between regional development and the creation of new companies from a micro perspective of institutional approach, focusing on the most relevant stakeholders involved in the process. The contribution of entrepreneurs to regional economic growth has been subject of special attention by the authorities, what is needed for a system of references to assess the adequacy of public programs for the promotion of entrepreneurial activity. Based on the concept of Balanced Scorecard, which provides a logical structure that relates and integrates and allows indicators refl ect the interests of stakeholders in shaping the Balanced Scorecard, the authors propose a Regional Entrepreneurship Scorecard (RES), as a tool for monitoring policies and programmes aimed at promoting start-ups. This RES uses information from international GEM project, which offers a vision of reality enterprising in different countries and regions.

How to Cite

Lorenzo Gómez, J. D., Rojas Vázquez, Álvaro, & Ruiz Navarro, J. (2018). Regional Entrepreneurial Scorecard. Cuadernos De Gestión, 8(2), 29–46.
Abstract 90 | PDF (Español) Downloads 59



Entrepreneurship, GEM, Balanced Scorecard, results measure

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