The relationship between the barriers to cross-functional integration and new product performance in Spanish innovative firms
José Antonio Varela González
Belén Bande Vilela
María Luisa del Rio Araújo
Pilar Fernández Ferrín
This study analizes the relationship between cross-functional integration and new product performance in a sample of Spanish innovative firms. Managers' perceptions in R&D, marketing, manufacturing and other areas show that the lack of management support for integration and the physical distance between areas are significant barriers to cross-functional integration. Besides, managers perceive that cross-functional integration relates to new product programme performance. Our results support most of the proposed hypothesis and are coherent with previous studies. Some implications of this study and directions for future research are also addressed.
How to Cite
Varela González, J. A., Bande Vilela, B., del Rio Araújo, M. L., & Fernández Ferrín, P. (2018). The relationship between the barriers to cross-functional integration and new product performance in Spanish innovative firms. Cuadernos De Gestión, 7(1), 11–29.
New product performance, Cross-functional integration, Barriers to integration, Spanish firms
ALLEN, T. J. (1970): «Communication networks in R&D laboratories», R&D Management. Vol. 1, No.1, pp. 14-21.
ARBUCKLE, J. L. (2003): Amos 5, Small Waters Corp.
ARGOTE, L. (1982): «Input uncertainty and organizational coordination in hospital emergency units», Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol. 27, pp. 420-434.
BUESA, M. y MOLERO, J. (1992): Patrones del cambio tecnológico y política industrial. Un estudio de las empresas innovadoras madrileñas, Editorial Civitas.
CÍRCULO DE EMPRESARIOS (1988): Actitud y comportamiento de las grandes empresas españolas ante la innovación.
COOPER, R. G. (1984): «The strategy-performance link in product innovation», R&D Management, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 247-259.
CRAWFORD, M. C. (1983): New product management, Homewood, IL, Irwin.
DOUGHERTY, D. (1990): «Understanding new markets for new products», Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 11, 59-78.
DOUGHERTY, D. (1992): «Interpretative barriers to successful product innovation in large firms», Organization Science, Vol. 3, pp. 179-202.
FUNDACIÓN COTEC PARA LA INNOVACIÓN TECNOLÓGICA (1997): Patrones y comportamientos de innovación tecnológica en las PYMES del País Vasco. Análisis de casos.
FUNDACIÓN COTEC PARA LA INNOVACIÓN TECNOLÓGICA (1998): El proceso de innovación de las empresas. Análisis de las encuestas de innovación.
GRIFFIN, A. (1992): «Evaluating QFD’s use in U.S. firms as a process for developing products», Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol. 9, pp. 171-197.
GRIFFIN, A. y HAUSER, J. R. (1992): «Patterns of communication among marketing, engineering and manufacturing-A comparison between two new product teams», Management Science, Vol. 38, pp. 360-373.
GRIFFIN, A. y HAUSER, J. R. (1996): «Integrating R&D and marketing: a review and analysis of the literature», Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol. 13, pp. 191-215.
GUPTA, A. K.; RAJ, S. P. y WILEMON, D. (1985): «R&D and marketing dialogue in high-tech firms», Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 14, pp. 289-300.
GUPTA, A. K.; RAJ, S. P. y WILEMON, D. (1986): «A model for studying R&D-marketing interface in the product innovation process», Journal of Marketing, Vol. 50(2), pp. 7-17.
GOMES, J. F. S.; DE WEERD-NEDERHOF, P. C.; PEARSON, A. W. y CUNHA, M. P. (2003): «Is more always better? An exploration of the differential effects of functional integration on performance in new product development, Technovation, Vol. 23, pp.185-191.
HISE, R. T.; O’NEAL, L.; PARASURAMAN, A. y MCNEAL, J. U. (1990): «Marketing/R&D interaction in new product development: implications for new product success rates», Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol. 7(2), pp. 142-155.
JOHNSON, D. W. (1975): «Cooperativeness and social perspective taking», Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 31, pp. 241-244.
KAHN, K. B. (1996): «Interdepartmental integration: a definition with implications for product development performance», Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol. 13, pp. 137-151.
KATZ, R. y ALLEN, T. J. (1988): «Organizational issues in the introduction of new technologies». En KATZ, R. (Ed.): Managing professionals in innovative organizations, Harper Collins, New York, pp. 442-456.
LAWRENCE, P. R. y LORSCH, J. W. (1967): Organization and environment, Richard D. Irwin, Inc. Homewood, IL.
MAIDIQUE, M. A. y ZIRGER, B. J. (1984): «A Study of Success and Failure in Product Innovation: the Case of the U.S. Electronics Industry», IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Vol. 31, No. 4, 192-203.
MCDONOUGH, E. F. III (2000): « Investigation of factors contributing to the success of cross-functional teams», Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol. 17, pp. 221-235.
MILLER, G. A. y WAGER, W. (1971): «Adult socialization, organizational structure and role orientations», Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol. 16 (junio), pp. 151-163.
MIRANDA, F. J. y BAÑEGIL, T. M. (2002): «The Effect of New Product Development Techniques on New Product Success in Spanish Firms», Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 31, pp. 261-271.
MOENAERT, R. K. y SOUDER, W. E. (1990): «An information transfer model for integrating marketing and R&D personnel in new product development», Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol. 7, pp. 91-107.
MOENAERT, R. K. y SOUDER, W. E. (1996): «Context and antecedents of information utility at the R&D/marketing interface», Management Science, Vol. 42, No. 11, pp. 1592-1610.
MOENAERT, R. K.; SOUDER, W. E.; DE MEYER, A. y DESCHOOLMESTER, D. (1994): «R&Dmarketing integration mechanisms, communication flows, and innovation success», Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol. 11, pp. 35-45.
NUROSIS, M. J. (1993): SPSS. Statistical Data Analysis, SPSS Inc.
PARRY, M. E. y SONG, X. M. (1993): «Determinants of R&D-marketing integration in high-tech Japanese firms», Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol. 10, pp. 4-22.
PINTO, M. B. y PINTO, J. K. (1990): «Project team communication and cross-functional cooperation in new program development», Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol. 7, pp. 200-212.
PINTO, M. B.; PINTO, J. K. y PRESCOTT, J. E. (1993): «Antecedents and consequences of project team cross-functional cooperation», Management Science, Vol. 38, No. 10, pp. 1281-1297.
RUEKERT, R. W. y WALKER, O. C., Jr. (1987): «Marketing’s interaction with other functional units: A conceptual framework and empirical evidence», Journal of Marketing, Vol. 51, No. 1. pp. 1-19.
SANTOS, M. L., y VÁZQUEZ, R. (1998): «La integración de Marketing e I+D como Instrumento Competitivo en las Empresas de Alta Tecnología», Revista Europea de Dirección y Economía de la Empresa, Vol.7 (4): 65-82.
SAXBERG, B. y SLOCUM, J. W. (1968): «The management of scientific manpower», Management Science, Vol. 14, No. 8, B473-B489.
SCHERMERHORN, J. R. (1975): «Determinants of interorganizational cooperation», Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 18, No. 4. pp. 846-856.
SHARIFI, S. y PAWAR, K. S. (2002): «Virtually co-located product design teams», International Journal of Operations & Production Management, Vol. 22, No 5/6, pp. 656-679.
SONG, X. M.; MONTOYA-WEISS, M. M. y SCHMIDT, J. B. (1997): «Antecedents and consequences of cross-functional cooperation: a comparison of R&D, manufacturing, and marketing perspectives», Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol. 14, pp. 35-47.
SONG, X. M. y PARRY, M. E. (1992): «The R&D-marketing interface in Japanese high-technology firms», Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol. 9, pp. 91-112.
SONG, X. M. y PARRY, M. E. (1993): «R&D-marketing integration in Japanese high-technology firms: hypotheses and empirical evidence», Journal of the academy of Marketing Science, Vol. 21, No. 2, pp.125-133.
SONG, X. M. y PARRY, M. E. (1997a): «The determinants of japanese new product success», Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 34, pp. 64-76.
SONG, X. M. y PARRY, M. E. (1997b): «A cross-national comparative study of new product development process: Japan and the United States», Journal of Marketing, Vol. 61, No. 2. pp. 1-18.
SONG, X. M.; THIEME, R. J. y XIE, J. (1998): «The impact of cross-functional involvement across product development stages: an exploratory study», Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol. 15, pp. 289-303.
SONG, X. M.; XIE, J. y DYER, B. (2000): «Antecedents and consequences of marketing managers’ conflict handling behaviors», Journal of Marketing, Vol. 64, pp. 50-66.
SOUDER, W. E. (1977): «Effectiveness of nominal and interacting group decision processes for integrating R&D and marketing», Management Science, Vol. 23, No. 6, pp. 595-605.
SOUDER, W. E. (1988): «Managing relations between R&D and marketing in new product development projects», Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol. 5, pp. 6-19.
SOUDER, W. E. y CHAKRABARTI, A. K. (1978): «The R&D/marketing interface: results from an empirical study of innovation projects», IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, EM25 (noviembre), pp. 88-93.
SOUDER, W. E.; CHAKRABARTI, A. K.; BONOMA, T. V.; AVERY, R. W.; CICCHINELLI, R. D. (1977): «An exploratory study of the coordinating mechanisms between R&D and marketing as an influence on the innovation process». Final Report to the National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C., NTIS Number PB-279-366.
SWINK, M. (2006): «Building collaborative innovation capability», Research Technology Management, Vol. 49, No. 2, pp. 37-47.
TRIST, E. (1977): «Collaboration theory and organizations», Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, Vol. 13, pp. 268-278.
TUSHMAN, M. (1977): «Special boundary roles in the innovation process», Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol. 22, pp. 587-605.
VALLE, S.; FERNÁNDEZ, E. y AVELLA, L. (2003): «New product development process: strategic and organisational success factors», International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp.197-209.
VAN DE VEN, A. H.; DELBECQ, A. L. y KOENIG, R. (1976): «Determinants of coordination modes within organizations», American Sociological Review, Vol. 41, pp. 323-338.
XIE, J.; SONG, X. M. y STRINGFELLOW, A. (2003): «Antecedents and consequences of goal incongruity on new product development in five countries: a marketing view», Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol. 20, pp. 104-119.
ARBUCKLE, J. L. (2003): Amos 5, Small Waters Corp.
ARGOTE, L. (1982): «Input uncertainty and organizational coordination in hospital emergency units», Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol. 27, pp. 420-434.
BUESA, M. y MOLERO, J. (1992): Patrones del cambio tecnológico y política industrial. Un estudio de las empresas innovadoras madrileñas, Editorial Civitas.
CÍRCULO DE EMPRESARIOS (1988): Actitud y comportamiento de las grandes empresas españolas ante la innovación.
COOPER, R. G. (1984): «The strategy-performance link in product innovation», R&D Management, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 247-259.
CRAWFORD, M. C. (1983): New product management, Homewood, IL, Irwin.
DOUGHERTY, D. (1990): «Understanding new markets for new products», Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 11, 59-78.
DOUGHERTY, D. (1992): «Interpretative barriers to successful product innovation in large firms», Organization Science, Vol. 3, pp. 179-202.
FUNDACIÓN COTEC PARA LA INNOVACIÓN TECNOLÓGICA (1997): Patrones y comportamientos de innovación tecnológica en las PYMES del País Vasco. Análisis de casos.
FUNDACIÓN COTEC PARA LA INNOVACIÓN TECNOLÓGICA (1998): El proceso de innovación de las empresas. Análisis de las encuestas de innovación.
GRIFFIN, A. (1992): «Evaluating QFD’s use in U.S. firms as a process for developing products», Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol. 9, pp. 171-197.
GRIFFIN, A. y HAUSER, J. R. (1992): «Patterns of communication among marketing, engineering and manufacturing-A comparison between two new product teams», Management Science, Vol. 38, pp. 360-373.
GRIFFIN, A. y HAUSER, J. R. (1996): «Integrating R&D and marketing: a review and analysis of the literature», Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol. 13, pp. 191-215.
GUPTA, A. K.; RAJ, S. P. y WILEMON, D. (1985): «R&D and marketing dialogue in high-tech firms», Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 14, pp. 289-300.
GUPTA, A. K.; RAJ, S. P. y WILEMON, D. (1986): «A model for studying R&D-marketing interface in the product innovation process», Journal of Marketing, Vol. 50(2), pp. 7-17.
GOMES, J. F. S.; DE WEERD-NEDERHOF, P. C.; PEARSON, A. W. y CUNHA, M. P. (2003): «Is more always better? An exploration of the differential effects of functional integration on performance in new product development, Technovation, Vol. 23, pp.185-191.
HISE, R. T.; O’NEAL, L.; PARASURAMAN, A. y MCNEAL, J. U. (1990): «Marketing/R&D interaction in new product development: implications for new product success rates», Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol. 7(2), pp. 142-155.
JOHNSON, D. W. (1975): «Cooperativeness and social perspective taking», Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 31, pp. 241-244.
KAHN, K. B. (1996): «Interdepartmental integration: a definition with implications for product development performance», Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol. 13, pp. 137-151.
KATZ, R. y ALLEN, T. J. (1988): «Organizational issues in the introduction of new technologies». En KATZ, R. (Ed.): Managing professionals in innovative organizations, Harper Collins, New York, pp. 442-456.
LAWRENCE, P. R. y LORSCH, J. W. (1967): Organization and environment, Richard D. Irwin, Inc. Homewood, IL.
MAIDIQUE, M. A. y ZIRGER, B. J. (1984): «A Study of Success and Failure in Product Innovation: the Case of the U.S. Electronics Industry», IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Vol. 31, No. 4, 192-203.
MCDONOUGH, E. F. III (2000): « Investigation of factors contributing to the success of cross-functional teams», Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol. 17, pp. 221-235.
MILLER, G. A. y WAGER, W. (1971): «Adult socialization, organizational structure and role orientations», Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol. 16 (junio), pp. 151-163.
MIRANDA, F. J. y BAÑEGIL, T. M. (2002): «The Effect of New Product Development Techniques on New Product Success in Spanish Firms», Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 31, pp. 261-271.
MOENAERT, R. K. y SOUDER, W. E. (1990): «An information transfer model for integrating marketing and R&D personnel in new product development», Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol. 7, pp. 91-107.
MOENAERT, R. K. y SOUDER, W. E. (1996): «Context and antecedents of information utility at the R&D/marketing interface», Management Science, Vol. 42, No. 11, pp. 1592-1610.
MOENAERT, R. K.; SOUDER, W. E.; DE MEYER, A. y DESCHOOLMESTER, D. (1994): «R&Dmarketing integration mechanisms, communication flows, and innovation success», Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol. 11, pp. 35-45.
NUROSIS, M. J. (1993): SPSS. Statistical Data Analysis, SPSS Inc.
PARRY, M. E. y SONG, X. M. (1993): «Determinants of R&D-marketing integration in high-tech Japanese firms», Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol. 10, pp. 4-22.
PINTO, M. B. y PINTO, J. K. (1990): «Project team communication and cross-functional cooperation in new program development», Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol. 7, pp. 200-212.
PINTO, M. B.; PINTO, J. K. y PRESCOTT, J. E. (1993): «Antecedents and consequences of project team cross-functional cooperation», Management Science, Vol. 38, No. 10, pp. 1281-1297.
RUEKERT, R. W. y WALKER, O. C., Jr. (1987): «Marketing’s interaction with other functional units: A conceptual framework and empirical evidence», Journal of Marketing, Vol. 51, No. 1. pp. 1-19.
SANTOS, M. L., y VÁZQUEZ, R. (1998): «La integración de Marketing e I+D como Instrumento Competitivo en las Empresas de Alta Tecnología», Revista Europea de Dirección y Economía de la Empresa, Vol.7 (4): 65-82.
SAXBERG, B. y SLOCUM, J. W. (1968): «The management of scientific manpower», Management Science, Vol. 14, No. 8, B473-B489.
SCHERMERHORN, J. R. (1975): «Determinants of interorganizational cooperation», Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 18, No. 4. pp. 846-856.
SHARIFI, S. y PAWAR, K. S. (2002): «Virtually co-located product design teams», International Journal of Operations & Production Management, Vol. 22, No 5/6, pp. 656-679.
SONG, X. M.; MONTOYA-WEISS, M. M. y SCHMIDT, J. B. (1997): «Antecedents and consequences of cross-functional cooperation: a comparison of R&D, manufacturing, and marketing perspectives», Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol. 14, pp. 35-47.
SONG, X. M. y PARRY, M. E. (1992): «The R&D-marketing interface in Japanese high-technology firms», Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol. 9, pp. 91-112.
SONG, X. M. y PARRY, M. E. (1993): «R&D-marketing integration in Japanese high-technology firms: hypotheses and empirical evidence», Journal of the academy of Marketing Science, Vol. 21, No. 2, pp.125-133.
SONG, X. M. y PARRY, M. E. (1997a): «The determinants of japanese new product success», Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 34, pp. 64-76.
SONG, X. M. y PARRY, M. E. (1997b): «A cross-national comparative study of new product development process: Japan and the United States», Journal of Marketing, Vol. 61, No. 2. pp. 1-18.
SONG, X. M.; THIEME, R. J. y XIE, J. (1998): «The impact of cross-functional involvement across product development stages: an exploratory study», Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol. 15, pp. 289-303.
SONG, X. M.; XIE, J. y DYER, B. (2000): «Antecedents and consequences of marketing managers’ conflict handling behaviors», Journal of Marketing, Vol. 64, pp. 50-66.
SOUDER, W. E. (1977): «Effectiveness of nominal and interacting group decision processes for integrating R&D and marketing», Management Science, Vol. 23, No. 6, pp. 595-605.
SOUDER, W. E. (1988): «Managing relations between R&D and marketing in new product development projects», Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol. 5, pp. 6-19.
SOUDER, W. E. y CHAKRABARTI, A. K. (1978): «The R&D/marketing interface: results from an empirical study of innovation projects», IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, EM25 (noviembre), pp. 88-93.
SOUDER, W. E.; CHAKRABARTI, A. K.; BONOMA, T. V.; AVERY, R. W.; CICCHINELLI, R. D. (1977): «An exploratory study of the coordinating mechanisms between R&D and marketing as an influence on the innovation process». Final Report to the National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C., NTIS Number PB-279-366.
SWINK, M. (2006): «Building collaborative innovation capability», Research Technology Management, Vol. 49, No. 2, pp. 37-47.
TRIST, E. (1977): «Collaboration theory and organizations», Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, Vol. 13, pp. 268-278.
TUSHMAN, M. (1977): «Special boundary roles in the innovation process», Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol. 22, pp. 587-605.
VALLE, S.; FERNÁNDEZ, E. y AVELLA, L. (2003): «New product development process: strategic and organisational success factors», International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp.197-209.
VAN DE VEN, A. H.; DELBECQ, A. L. y KOENIG, R. (1976): «Determinants of coordination modes within organizations», American Sociological Review, Vol. 41, pp. 323-338.
XIE, J.; SONG, X. M. y STRINGFELLOW, A. (2003): «Antecedents and consequences of goal incongruity on new product development in five countries: a marketing view», Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol. 20, pp. 104-119.
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