Causality problem in Economic Science



Published 18-09-2018
José Luis Retolaza Avalos


The main point of the paper is the problem of the economy to be consider like a science in the most strict term of the concept. In the first step we are going to tackle a presentation about what we understand by science to subsequently present some of the fallacies which have bring certain scepticism about the scientific character of the investigation in economy, to know: 1) The differences between hard and weak sciences -physics and social; 2) The differences between paradigm, —positivist and phenomenological— 3) The differences between physic causality and historic causality. In the second step we are going to talk about two fundamental problems which are questioned: 1) the confusion between ontology and gnoseology and, 2) the erroneous concept of causality that commonly is used. In the last step of the paper we are going over the recent models of «causal explanation» and we suggest the probabilistic casualty development next with a more elaborated models of causal explanation, like a way to conjugate the scientific severity with the possibility to tackle complex economic realities.

How to Cite

Retolaza Avalos, J. L. (2018). Causality problem in Economic Science. Cuadernos De Gestión, 7(2), 39–53.
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Economic science, methodology, hypothetical-deductive method, causality, ontological paradigms

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