Analyzing job satisfaction from a gender point of view: empirical application with logit and probit models
Sandra María Sánchez Cañizares
Fernando J. Fuentes García
Carlos Artacho Ruiz
The influence that the individual characteristics of the personnel of a company exercise on their level of job satisfaction has been largely analyzed in specialized literature, dedicating more attention to the age but also to the gender like a determining element of the levels of satisfaction on human resources. Numerous investigations verify the fact that women present a superior level of satisfaction to the one belonging to males. This paper examines the influence of the gender on job satisfaction on a sample of 1,804 people working in private educational centres in Andalusia, confirming this result. Furthermore, it revises the differences between men and women considering the influence over job satisfaction of other sociodemographic characteristics as well as variables about the job and the organization, detecting remarkable differences between both sexes in some aspects like the marital status, the educational level or the presence in managerial position.
How to Cite
Sánchez Cañizares, S. M., Fuentes García, F. J., & Artacho Ruiz, C. (2018). Analyzing job satisfaction from a gender point of view: empirical application with logit and probit models. Cuadernos De Gestión, 7(2), 55–67.
job satisfaction, gender differences, logit and probit models
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DINHAM, S. y SCOTT, C. (2002): «The international Teacher 2000 Project: an international study of teacher and school executive satisfaction, motivation and health in Australia, England, USA, Malta and New Zealand», presentado en el Challenging Futures Conference, Universidad de New England, Armidale.
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MANHARDT, P. J. (1972). «Job orientation of male and female college graduates in business» Personnel Psychology, n. 25, pp. 361-368.
NORTON, M. S. y KELLY, L. K. (1997): Resource, Allocation: Managing money and peoples eye on education Nueva York: Larchmoont,.
QUINN, R.; STAINES, G. L. y MCCULOUG, M. R. (1974): Job satisfaction: is there a trend?. Washington: U. S. Department of Labor.
SANZ DE GALDEANO, A. (2001): «Gender differences in job satisfaction and labour market participation: UK evidence form propensity score» presentado en 13th EALE Annual Conference, 13-16 sept., Jyväskylä, Finlandia.
SHANA, M. (1998): «Professional commitment and satisfaction among teachers in urban middle schools» The Journal of Educational Research, vol. 92, pp. 37-73.
SLOANE, P. y WILLIAMS, H. (2000): «Job satisfaction, comparison earnings and gender» Labour, vol. 14, pp. 473-502.
SOUSA-POZA, A. y SOUSA-POZA, A. A. (2000): «Taking another look at the gender/job satisfaction paradox» Kiklos, vol. 53, pp. 135-152.
WARD, M. E. y SLOANE, P. J. (2000): «Non-pecuniary advantages versus pecuniary disadvantages: job satisfaction among male and female academics in scottish universities» Scottish Journal of Political Economy, vol. 47, n. 3, pp. 273-303.
WEAVER, C. N. (1977): «Relationships among pay, race, sex, occupational prestige, supervision, work autonomy and job satisfaction in a national sample» Personnel Psychology, vol. 30, pp. 437-445.
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