Inhibiting aspects of environmental proactivity in industrial firms: an empirical analysis



Published 18-09-2018
Josefina L. Murillo Luna Concepción Garces Ayerbe Pilar Rivera Torres


This paper analyzes the difficulties that firms find when adopting an advanced or proactive attitude towards the problems of environmental degradation. The results obtained from a sample of 240 industrial firms indicate that the principal inhibiting barriers of the environmental proactivity are both external and internal to the firm. Nevertheless, the influence of these two types of barriers on the environmental strategy is different. More specifically, the internal barriers are an obstacle which must be overcome in order to be able to progress towards more proactive strategic environmental behaviors. Nevertheless, the external barriers, although managers consider them as difficulties for the adoption of proactive environmental strategies, do not truly prevent this progress.

How to Cite

Murillo Luna, J. L., Garces Ayerbe, C., & Rivera Torres, P. (2018). Inhibiting aspects of environmental proactivity in industrial firms: an empirical analysis. Cuadernos De Gestión, 6(2), 45–58.
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Environmental strategy, inhibiting aspects

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