Operational risk management in financial institutions: A dead-end journey



Published 18-09-2018
José Ignacio Llaguno Musons


This article is about operational risk management in credit firms around the the European area. The text of Bank Supervision Committee (Basilea II) has been already approved including some important changes about operational risk, so it is time to UE´s bank regulations were adopted and changes applied by monetary and financial authorities. This flexible and proffesional new regulation introduces some elements on Corporative Government of credit firms affecting it´s internal culture (risk management culture), it's strategics decisions and entities organization, encouraging to improve the quality of process, services and operations. So this is a good reason to follow the good way of continuous efficiency in an strategic dimension on individual level and on finance system as well. We have the opportunity to research and apply the principles of Business Administration in this field now, but what is better, we would do it on others economic sectors affected by operational risks as well.

How to Cite

Llaguno Musons, J. I. (2018). Operational risk management in financial institutions: A dead-end journey. Cuadernos De Gestión, 5(1), 53–77. https://doi.org/10.5295/cdg.19173jl
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Operational risk, banks regulation (Basilea II), risk management (identification, evaluation, coverage and reduction, reports, information and control)

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