The customer's implication: A theoretical compilation
In this paper we contribute to specify the construct «involvement», including the following aspects:
a) knowledge of its origin and the several theoretical frames to approach it;
b) elimination of potential confusion over other constructs (such as that between involvement and motivation);
c) knowledge of the determinants,
dimensions and consequences of the construct involvement;
d) knowledge of the debate dealing with its conceptualization and the possible joint of different points of view.
How to Cite
Involvement, antecedents, dimensions, consequences, debate
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[RVC0] Goldsmith, R. E. (1995): «The Domain Specific Innovativeness Scale: Theoretical and Practical Dimensions», Association for Marketing Theory and Practice Proceedings, 4, 177-182, cistado en Goldsmith, R.E. (2002), «Explaining and Predicting Consumer Intention to Purchase Over the Internet: An Exploratory Study», Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, primavera, 22-28.
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