The export development process of the Spanish manufacturing SMEs participating in an export consortium: A case study



Published 18-09-2018
Alex Rialp Criado Piedad Cristina Martinez Carazo Josep Rialp Criado


In spite of the recent efforts made by the Spanish governmental institutions to promote them, there are just a few export consortia really successful in Spain as compared to those being projected that never reach their formal constitution or simply fail to survive. Also, there are very few national studies in this specific area. This research is focused on the analysis of the existing phases in the export development process of several Spanish industrial SMEs participating in a specific export consortium as well as on the factors influencing the selection and performance of this institutional, collaborative arrangement to be understood as a potentially more successful way to penetrate foreign markets.

How to Cite

Rialp Criado, A., Martinez Carazo, P. C., & Rialp Criado, J. (2018). The export development process of the Spanish manufacturing SMEs participating in an export consortium: A case study. Cuadernos De Gestión, 5(2), 95–116.
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export consortium, business partners, export development process, Spanish case study

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