Size and sector effects on the profitability, indebtedness and debt cost of La Rioja family firms



Published 18-09-2018
Juan Carlos Ayala Calvo Ernesto Navarrete Martínez


Based on the data taken from the financial reports of a sample of 721 family businesses in the Autonomous Community of La Rioja, the authors analyze the impact of the size of the enterprise and the industry where it operates, as well as the size-industry ratio, on profitability, indebtedness and debt cost levels for the period 1996-2000. Using a variance analysis, they conclude that the factors main industry and size-industry ratio do not have any impact on dependent variables. Moreover, they prove that the size of the enterprise and its sustained profitability are indirectly linked and that size and debt cost levels are also related.

How to Cite

Ayala Calvo, J. C., & Navarrete Martínez, E. (2018). Size and sector effects on the profitability, indebtedness and debt cost of La Rioja family firms. Cuadernos De Gestión, 4(1), 35–53.
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family business, industry, size, financial structure

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