Technological capacities and quality certifications. An empirical application to La Rioja family SMEs



Published 14-07-2004
Juan Carlos Ayala Calvo Rubén Fernández Ortiz María Leonor González Menorca


The concept of quality has emerged with a big impact in the last few years. Family SMEs in La Rioja, like other enterprises, have been forced to take part in this culture of business excellency often linked to compliance norms. This work presents the main results of an empirical study performed on SMEs of La Rioja by comparing the policies implemented by family businesses with those implemented by other firms. We have carried out a descriptive analysis of some quality policies, which have been subsequently analysed and compared to other variables such as the investment in technology or R+D+I expenditure.

How to Cite

Ayala Calvo, J. C., Fernández Ortiz, R., & González Menorca, M. L. (2004). Technological capacities and quality certifications. An empirical application to La Rioja family SMEs. Cuadernos De Gestión, 4(1), 69–82.
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family SME, quality, technology

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