An experimental study of the effect of green positioning on brand attitude



Published 18-09-2018
Patrick Hartman Francisco Javier Forcada Sainz Vanessa Apaolaza Ibáñez


Reducing the environmental impact of a product or its manufacturing process not necessarily limits the company's activities. In the context of a green branding strategy, it might as well open new business opportunities. Ecological positioning provides a strategic tool for the active implementation of green brands. The empirical study shows that more positive attitudes are developed towards a brand positioned by environmental attributes and that these effects vary as a result of the implementation of different types of ecological positioning strategies. Although most researchers in ecological marketing recommend rational persuasion strategies, in this study the effect of an ecological positioning by emotional brand benefits appears to be even stronger than effects of rational perceptions of functional benefits for the environment.

How to Cite

Hartman, P., Forcada Sainz, F. J., & Apaolaza Ibáñez, V. (2018). An experimental study of the effect of green positioning on brand attitude. Cuadernos De Gestión, 4(1), 83–95.
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Ecological Marketing, Ecological Positioning, Branding

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