Models of cooperative or democratic multinational enterprise



Published 18-09-2018
Ángel Mari Errasti Amozarrain


In this paper we analyse the possible ways of developing another model of multinational enterprise from three points of view: firstly, we analyse the role that can be played by the codes of conduct as complementary instruments for designing an the social policy of the internationalised cooperatives; in second place, we briefly look at the intercooperative multinational or global cooperative as an alternative to the capitalist multinational business model; finally, from a broader perspective, we make reference to how to develop a model for a more democratic multinational enterprise, as well as to some conditioning factors that affect the functioning and the decision-making process of multinational companies.

How to Cite

Errasti Amozarrain, Ángel M. (2018). Models of cooperative or democratic multinational enterprise. Cuadernos De Gestión, 4(2), 13–29.
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Cooperatives, Internacionalization, Democracy, Multinationals

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