Taxation of cooperatives. A model that strengthens equity
Co-operatives are a type of business with their own special characteristics, including the distribution and manner of control, the way of sharing out dividends, the existence of obligatory funds, the self-regulation of work, the procedure for attributing economic funds when one member leaves and the fact that workers have a share in profit.
In consequence, the institutional bodies in power in society have considered that this business formula should be fostered, and for this reason a series of regulations that offer tax benefits to these entities was developed, providing that certain requirements are fulfilled. Among the different requirements included are the contribution to Obligatory Reserve Funds (F.R.O) within the company as well as to specific expenses that remain under control of the Co-operative for social reasons, such as The Education and Promotion Fund. (F.E.P.C.).
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Co-operative, Taxability, Capital stock, Worker members
Soberanía Económica y Globalización en Euskal Herria. Manu Robles Arangiz Institutua.
Tratamiento del Resultado Económico en la Empresa Cooperativa. Edita Eraginkor, S.Coop., con el apoyo de la Dirección de Economía Social del Departamento de Justicia, Trabajo y Seguridad Social del Gobierno Vasco.
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