Does a socially responsible prototypical leader exist in Spain?
Óscar Díaz Chica
Alejandro Tapia Frade
Raúl de Diego Vallejo
This research is focused on reviewing whether the emergence of the phenomenon of social responsibility in Spain evident since the beginning of the twenty-first century, has been linked to a prototypic leader with characteristic traits. According to this objective, a quantitative study has been developed with a sample of 189 business leaders from small, medium and large companies who work in the Spanish market. Data has been collected through structured interviews, using three tools: the ARS19 scale to know the attitude of leaders towards Corporative Social Responsibility, the SPV questionnaire to evaluate their personal values next to generic competences, personal traits and behavioural characteristics and the LBA II questionnaire to analyse their leadership. The study results indicate that leaders with a most favourable attitude towards social responsibility are younger, working in sectors where there is a higher environmental impact (as the industrial) and are employed in large and I+D+i involved companies. Besides, these corporate executives show affinity for a support focused leadership style, along with an outstanding effectiveness in their role as leaders, and they stay away from a task oriented leadership style. They present a very high inclination for defined goals at work, a notable preference by challenges and a greater tune with post-materialist values as well. These findings suggest the existence of a prototype of leader closer to social responsibility.
How to Cite
Díaz Chica, Óscar, Tapia Frade, A., & de Diego Vallejo, R. (2019). Does a socially responsible prototypical leader exist in Spain?. Cuadernos De Gestión, 19(2), 53–84.
Social responsibility, CSR, leadership, attitude, personal values
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Bass, B.M., 1985. Leadership and performance beyond expectations. New York: Free Press.
Blanchard, K.H., 2001. Situational Leadership II: The article. Sunrise, FL: The Ken Blanchard Companies.
Blanchard, K.H., Hambleton, R.K., Zigarmi, D. and Forsyth, D., 1982. Leader Behavior Analysis (Self and Other). Escondido, CA: Blanchard Training and Development Inc.
Blanchard, K.H., Zigarmi, P. and Zigarmi, D., 1985. Leadership and the One Minute Manager. New York: Morrow.
Bowen, H.R., 1953. Social Responsibilities of the Businessman. New York: Harper & Row.
Boyatzis, R.E., Murphy, A.J. and Wheeler, J.V., 2000. Philosophy as a missing link between values and behavior. Psychological Reports, 86 (1), 47-64.
Campopiano, G. and De Massis, A., 2015. Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting: A Content Analysis in Family and Non-family Firms. Journal of Business Ethics, 129 (3), 511-534. DOI: 10.1007/s10551-014-2174-z
Carroll, A.B., 1991. The pyramid of corporate social responsibility: Toward the moral management of organizational stakeholders. Business Horizons, 34 (4), 39-48. DOI: 10.1016/0007-6813(91)90005-G
Comisión de las Comunidades Europeas, 2001. LIBRO VERDE - Fomentar un marco europeo para la responsabilidad social de las empresas. Bruselas: Oficina de Publicaciones de la Unión Europea.
Chitarroni, A.L.M., 2015. Responsabilidad Social Empresaria: ¿Una traslación de los principios cooperativos al ámbito de las empresas comerciales? Enfoques: revista de la Universidad Adventista del Plata, 25 (1), 25-34.
Cuadrado, B., García, R. and Martínez, J., 2015. Efecto de la composición del consejo de administración en las prácticas de responsabilidad social corporativa. Revista de Contabilidad, 18 (1), 20-31. DOI: 10.1016/j.rcsar.2014.02.003
Dansereau, F., Graen, G. and Haga, W.J., 1975. A vertical dyad approach to leadership within formal organizations. Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 13 (1), 46-78. DOI: 10.1016/0030-5073(75)90005-7
Epstein, E.M., 1987. The Corporate Social Policy Process: Beyond Business Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Corporate Social Responsiveness. California Management Review, 29 (3), 99-114. DOI: 10.2307/41165254
Espinosa-Pike, M. and Aldazabal, M.E., 2017. Ética y responsabilidad social en la formación superior empresarial: presente y futuro, 24, 1-20.
Garriga, E. and Melé, D., 2013. Corporate social responsibility theories: Mapping the territory. En: Michalos, A.C. and Poff, D., eds. Advances in Business Ethics Research. Vol. 2. New York-London: Springer Science+Business Media, 69-96.
Gómez, J., 2010. Nuevas perspectivas socio-económicas en la gestión de las entidades prestadoras de servicios de atención a las personas mayores y en situación de dependencia. Especial referencia a la gestión basada en la calidad y en la responsabilidad social corporativa (RSC). En: Lasarte, C. and Moretón, F., eds. Residencias y alojamientos alternativos para personas mayores en situación de dependencia. Madrid: Colex, 83-107.
Godos, J.L. and Fernández, R., 2011. ¿Cómo se percibe la dirección socialmente responsable por parte de los altos directivos de empresas en España? Universia Business Review, 29, 32-49.
Gordon, L.V., 1960. Survey of personal values. Chicago: Science Research Associates.
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Gordon, L.V., 2010. Manual Cuestionario de Valores Personales. 4a ed. Madrid: TEA Ediciones.
Greenleaf, R., 1977. Servant Leadership. New York: Paulist Press.
House, R.J., 1971. A path-goal theory of leader effectiveness. Administrative Science Quarterly, 16 (3), 321-339. DOI: 10.2307/2391905
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Jamali, D. and Karam, C., 2018. Corporate Social Responsibility in Developing Countries as an Emerging Field of Study. International Journal of Management Reviews, 20 (1), 32-61. DOI: 10.1111/ijmr.12112
Jones, T.M., 1980. Corporate Social Responsibility Revisited, Redefined. California Management Review, 22 (3), 59-67. DOI: 10.2307/41164877
Kim, B., Lee, S. and Kang, K.H., 2018. The moderating role of CEO narcissism on the relationship between uncertainty avoidance and CSR. Tourism Management, 67, 203- 213. DOI: 10.1016/j.tourman.2018.01.018
Kirkpatrick, S.A. and Locke, E.A., 1991. Leadership: Do traits matter? Academy of Management Executive, 5 (2), 49-60.
Kelman, H.C., 1961. Processes of opinion change. Public Opinion Quarterly, 25 (1), 57- 78.
Lamberth, J., 1989. Psicología social. Madrid: Pirámide.
Lawton, A. and Páez, I., 2015. Developing a Framework for Ethical Leadership. Journal of Business Ethics, 130 (3), 639-649. DOI: 10.1007/s10551-014-2244-2
Likert, R., 1961. New patterns of managemen. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Lord, R.G., Foti, R. and De Vader, C.L., 1984. A test of leadership categorization theory: Internal structure, information processing and leadership perceptions. Organizational behavior and Human Performance, 34 (3), 343-378. DOI: 10.1016/0030- 5073(84)90043-6
Maak, T. and Pless, N.M., 2006. Responsible Leadership in a Stakeholder Society - A Relational Perspective. Journal of Business Ethics, 66 (1), 99-115. DOI: 10.1007/s10551- 006-9047-z
Matos, M.G. and Simôes, C., 2016. From Positive Youth Development to Youth’s Engagement: the Dream Teens. The International Journal of Emotional Education, 8 (1), 4-18.
Mababu, R., 2010. Actitudes de los Empresarios y Directivos hacia la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa. Revista de Psicología del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones, 26 (2), 101-114.
Moral, M., Fernández, M.T. and Sánchez, M.J., 2018. Actitudes de los gerentes de los alojamientos rurales hacia el desarrollo de un turismo sostenible. Cuadernos de Turismo, 41, 443-464. DOI: 10.6018/turismo.41.327101
Nguyen, M. and Truong, M., 2016. The Effect of Culture on Enterprise’s Perception of Corporate Social Responsibility: The Case of Vietnam. Procedia CIRP, 40, 680-686. DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2016.01.154
Oh, W.Y., Chang, Y. K. and Cheng, Z., 2016. When CEO career horizon problems matter for corporate social responsibility: The moderating roles of industry-level discretion and blockholder ownership. Journal of Business Ethics, 133 (2), 279-291. DOI: 10.1007/s10551-014-2397-z
Ortiz, Y., Victoria, V., Elva E., Nava, R. and Castillo, M., 2016. Los stakeholders de la industria hotelera: una clasificación a partir de sus intereses ambientales. Universidad & Empresa, 18 (30), 97-120. DOI: 10.12804/rev.univ.empresa.30.2016.05
Osagie, E.R., Wesselink, R., Blok, V., Lans, T. and Mulder, M., 2016. Individual Competencies for Corporate Social Responsibility: A Literature and Practice Perspective. Journal of Business Ethics, 135 (2), 233-252. DOI : 10.1007/s10551-014-2469-0
Pastor, G., 1978. Conducta Interpersonal. Ensayo de Psicología Social Sistemática. Salamanca: Publicaciones de la Universidad Pontificia.
Petrenko, O.V., Aime, F., Ridge, J. and Hill, A., 2016. Corporate social responsibility or CEO narcissism? CSR motivations and organizational performance. Strategic Management Journal, 37 (2), 262-279. DOI: 10.1002/smj.2348
Preston, L.E. and Post, J.E., 1975. Measuring Corporate Responsibility. Journal of General Management, 2 (3), 45.52. DOI: 10.1177/030630707500200306
Raufflet, E., 2010. Responsabilidad corporativa y desarrollo sostenible: una perspectiva histórica y conceptual. Cuadernos de Administración, 26 (43), 23-32.
Rock, D. and Ringleb, A.H., 2013. Handbook of Neuroleadership. New York: NeuroLeadership Institute.
Rokeach, M., 1973. The nature of human values. New York: Free Press.
Schwartz, S.H. and Blisky, W., 1987. Toward a universal psychological structure of human values. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 53 (3), 550-562. DOI: 10.1037/0022-3514.53.3.550
Saker, J., Guerra, M.E. and Silvera, A., 2015. Calidad humana en el clima organizacional: influencia en la gestión de empresas responsables. Revista Económicas Cuc, 36 (2), 113-126.
Setó-Pamies, D., 2015. The Relationship between Women Directors and Corporate Social Responsibility. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 22 (6), 334-345. DOI: 10.1002/csr.1349
Sheldon, O., 1923. The philosophy of management. London: Pitman.
Tang, Y., Mack, D.Z. and Chen, G, 2018. The differential effects of CEO narcissism and hubris on corporate social responsibility. Strategic Management Journal, 39 (5), 1370- 1387. DOI: 10.1002/smj.2761
Tierno, B., 1994. Valores humanos. Madrid: Taller de editores.
Thurstone, L.L., 1976. Las actitudes pueden medirse. En: Wainerman, C.H., ed. Escalas de medición en ciencias sociales. Buenos Aires: Nueva Visión, 261-289.
Valentine, S. and Fleischman, G., 2008. Ethics Programs, Perceived Corporate Social Responsability and Job Satisfaction. Journal of Business Ethics, 77, 159-172. DOI: 10.1007/s10551-006-9306-z
Van Quaquebeke, N. and Eckloff, T., 2010. Defining respectful leadership: What it is, how it can be measured, and another glimpse at what it is related to. Journal of Business Ethics, 91 (3), 343-358. DOI: 0.1007/s10551-009-0087-z
Van Tulder, R. and Van der Zwart, A., 2006. International business-society management linking corporate responsibility and globalization. London and New York: Routledge.
Voegtlin, C., Patzer, M. and Scherer, A.G., 2012. Responsible Leadership in Global Business: A New Approach to Leadership and Its Multi-Level Outcomes. Journal of Business Ethics, 105, 1-16. DOI: 10.1007/s10551-011-0952-4
Wiengarten, F., Lo, C.K.Y. and Lam, J.Y.K., 2017. How does sustainability leadership affect firm performance? The choices associated with appointing a chief officer of corporate social responsibility. Journal of business ethics, 140 (3), 477-493. DOI: 10.1007/ s10551-015-2666-5
Zigarmi, D., Edeburn, C. and Blanchard, K.H., 1991. Research on the LBAII: A validity and reliability study. Escondido, CA: Blanchard Training and Development.
Zigarmi, D., Edeburn, C. and Blanchard, K.H., 1995. Getting to know the LBAII: Research, validity and reliability of the self and other forms. Escondido, CA: Blanchard Training and Development.
Zu, L. and Song, L., 2009. Determinants of managerial values on Corporate Social Responsibility: Evidence from China. Journal of Business Ethics, 88, 105-117. DOI: 10.1007/ s10551-008-9828-7
Baron, R.A. and Byrne, D., 2005. Psicología social. 10ª ed. Madrid: Pearson Prentice Hall.
Bass, B.M., 1985. Leadership and performance beyond expectations. New York: Free Press.
Blanchard, K.H., 2001. Situational Leadership II: The article. Sunrise, FL: The Ken Blanchard Companies.
Blanchard, K.H., Hambleton, R.K., Zigarmi, D. and Forsyth, D., 1982. Leader Behavior Analysis (Self and Other). Escondido, CA: Blanchard Training and Development Inc.
Blanchard, K.H., Zigarmi, P. and Zigarmi, D., 1985. Leadership and the One Minute Manager. New York: Morrow.
Bowen, H.R., 1953. Social Responsibilities of the Businessman. New York: Harper & Row.
Boyatzis, R.E., Murphy, A.J. and Wheeler, J.V., 2000. Philosophy as a missing link between values and behavior. Psychological Reports, 86 (1), 47-64.
Campopiano, G. and De Massis, A., 2015. Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting: A Content Analysis in Family and Non-family Firms. Journal of Business Ethics, 129 (3), 511-534. DOI: 10.1007/s10551-014-2174-z
Carroll, A.B., 1991. The pyramid of corporate social responsibility: Toward the moral management of organizational stakeholders. Business Horizons, 34 (4), 39-48. DOI: 10.1016/0007-6813(91)90005-G
Comisión de las Comunidades Europeas, 2001. LIBRO VERDE - Fomentar un marco europeo para la responsabilidad social de las empresas. Bruselas: Oficina de Publicaciones de la Unión Europea.
Chitarroni, A.L.M., 2015. Responsabilidad Social Empresaria: ¿Una traslación de los principios cooperativos al ámbito de las empresas comerciales? Enfoques: revista de la Universidad Adventista del Plata, 25 (1), 25-34.
Cuadrado, B., García, R. and Martínez, J., 2015. Efecto de la composición del consejo de administración en las prácticas de responsabilidad social corporativa. Revista de Contabilidad, 18 (1), 20-31. DOI: 10.1016/j.rcsar.2014.02.003
Dansereau, F., Graen, G. and Haga, W.J., 1975. A vertical dyad approach to leadership within formal organizations. Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 13 (1), 46-78. DOI: 10.1016/0030-5073(75)90005-7
Epstein, E.M., 1987. The Corporate Social Policy Process: Beyond Business Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Corporate Social Responsiveness. California Management Review, 29 (3), 99-114. DOI: 10.2307/41165254
Espinosa-Pike, M. and Aldazabal, M.E., 2017. Ética y responsabilidad social en la formación superior empresarial: presente y futuro, 24, 1-20.
Garriga, E. and Melé, D., 2013. Corporate social responsibility theories: Mapping the territory. En: Michalos, A.C. and Poff, D., eds. Advances in Business Ethics Research. Vol. 2. New York-London: Springer Science+Business Media, 69-96.
Gómez, J., 2010. Nuevas perspectivas socio-económicas en la gestión de las entidades prestadoras de servicios de atención a las personas mayores y en situación de dependencia. Especial referencia a la gestión basada en la calidad y en la responsabilidad social corporativa (RSC). En: Lasarte, C. and Moretón, F., eds. Residencias y alojamientos alternativos para personas mayores en situación de dependencia. Madrid: Colex, 83-107.
Godos, J.L. and Fernández, R., 2011. ¿Cómo se percibe la dirección socialmente responsable por parte de los altos directivos de empresas en España? Universia Business Review, 29, 32-49.
Gordon, L.V., 1960. Survey of personal values. Chicago: Science Research Associates.
Gordon, L.V., 1967. Survey of interpersonal values. Chicago: Science Research Associates.
Gordon, L.V., 2010. Manual Cuestionario de Valores Personales. 4a ed. Madrid: TEA Ediciones.
Greenleaf, R., 1977. Servant Leadership. New York: Paulist Press.
House, R.J., 1971. A path-goal theory of leader effectiveness. Administrative Science Quarterly, 16 (3), 321-339. DOI: 10.2307/2391905
Instituto de la Mujer y para la Igualdad de Oportunidades, 2012. Población ocupada según tipo de ocupación. Disponible en: [Acceso 12 Junio de 2018].
Instituto Nacional de Estadística, 2012. Estructura y Demografía Empresarial. Directorio Central de Empresas (DIRCE) a 1 de enero de 2012. Disponible en: prensa/np732.pdf [Acceso 12 Junio de 2018].
Jamali, D. and Karam, C., 2018. Corporate Social Responsibility in Developing Countries as an Emerging Field of Study. International Journal of Management Reviews, 20 (1), 32-61. DOI: 10.1111/ijmr.12112
Jones, T.M., 1980. Corporate Social Responsibility Revisited, Redefined. California Management Review, 22 (3), 59-67. DOI: 10.2307/41164877
Kim, B., Lee, S. and Kang, K.H., 2018. The moderating role of CEO narcissism on the relationship between uncertainty avoidance and CSR. Tourism Management, 67, 203- 213. DOI: 10.1016/j.tourman.2018.01.018
Kirkpatrick, S.A. and Locke, E.A., 1991. Leadership: Do traits matter? Academy of Management Executive, 5 (2), 49-60.
Kelman, H.C., 1961. Processes of opinion change. Public Opinion Quarterly, 25 (1), 57- 78.
Lamberth, J., 1989. Psicología social. Madrid: Pirámide.
Lawton, A. and Páez, I., 2015. Developing a Framework for Ethical Leadership. Journal of Business Ethics, 130 (3), 639-649. DOI: 10.1007/s10551-014-2244-2
Likert, R., 1961. New patterns of managemen. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Lord, R.G., Foti, R. and De Vader, C.L., 1984. A test of leadership categorization theory: Internal structure, information processing and leadership perceptions. Organizational behavior and Human Performance, 34 (3), 343-378. DOI: 10.1016/0030- 5073(84)90043-6
Maak, T. and Pless, N.M., 2006. Responsible Leadership in a Stakeholder Society - A Relational Perspective. Journal of Business Ethics, 66 (1), 99-115. DOI: 10.1007/s10551- 006-9047-z
Matos, M.G. and Simôes, C., 2016. From Positive Youth Development to Youth’s Engagement: the Dream Teens. The International Journal of Emotional Education, 8 (1), 4-18.
Mababu, R., 2010. Actitudes de los Empresarios y Directivos hacia la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa. Revista de Psicología del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones, 26 (2), 101-114.
Moral, M., Fernández, M.T. and Sánchez, M.J., 2018. Actitudes de los gerentes de los alojamientos rurales hacia el desarrollo de un turismo sostenible. Cuadernos de Turismo, 41, 443-464. DOI: 10.6018/turismo.41.327101
Nguyen, M. and Truong, M., 2016. The Effect of Culture on Enterprise’s Perception of Corporate Social Responsibility: The Case of Vietnam. Procedia CIRP, 40, 680-686. DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2016.01.154
Oh, W.Y., Chang, Y. K. and Cheng, Z., 2016. When CEO career horizon problems matter for corporate social responsibility: The moderating roles of industry-level discretion and blockholder ownership. Journal of Business Ethics, 133 (2), 279-291. DOI: 10.1007/s10551-014-2397-z
Ortiz, Y., Victoria, V., Elva E., Nava, R. and Castillo, M., 2016. Los stakeholders de la industria hotelera: una clasificación a partir de sus intereses ambientales. Universidad & Empresa, 18 (30), 97-120. DOI: 10.12804/rev.univ.empresa.30.2016.05
Osagie, E.R., Wesselink, R., Blok, V., Lans, T. and Mulder, M., 2016. Individual Competencies for Corporate Social Responsibility: A Literature and Practice Perspective. Journal of Business Ethics, 135 (2), 233-252. DOI : 10.1007/s10551-014-2469-0
Pastor, G., 1978. Conducta Interpersonal. Ensayo de Psicología Social Sistemática. Salamanca: Publicaciones de la Universidad Pontificia.
Petrenko, O.V., Aime, F., Ridge, J. and Hill, A., 2016. Corporate social responsibility or CEO narcissism? CSR motivations and organizational performance. Strategic Management Journal, 37 (2), 262-279. DOI: 10.1002/smj.2348
Preston, L.E. and Post, J.E., 1975. Measuring Corporate Responsibility. Journal of General Management, 2 (3), 45.52. DOI: 10.1177/030630707500200306
Raufflet, E., 2010. Responsabilidad corporativa y desarrollo sostenible: una perspectiva histórica y conceptual. Cuadernos de Administración, 26 (43), 23-32.
Rock, D. and Ringleb, A.H., 2013. Handbook of Neuroleadership. New York: NeuroLeadership Institute.
Rokeach, M., 1973. The nature of human values. New York: Free Press.
Schwartz, S.H. and Blisky, W., 1987. Toward a universal psychological structure of human values. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 53 (3), 550-562. DOI: 10.1037/0022-3514.53.3.550
Saker, J., Guerra, M.E. and Silvera, A., 2015. Calidad humana en el clima organizacional: influencia en la gestión de empresas responsables. Revista Económicas Cuc, 36 (2), 113-126.
Setó-Pamies, D., 2015. The Relationship between Women Directors and Corporate Social Responsibility. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 22 (6), 334-345. DOI: 10.1002/csr.1349
Sheldon, O., 1923. The philosophy of management. London: Pitman.
Tang, Y., Mack, D.Z. and Chen, G, 2018. The differential effects of CEO narcissism and hubris on corporate social responsibility. Strategic Management Journal, 39 (5), 1370- 1387. DOI: 10.1002/smj.2761
Tierno, B., 1994. Valores humanos. Madrid: Taller de editores.
Thurstone, L.L., 1976. Las actitudes pueden medirse. En: Wainerman, C.H., ed. Escalas de medición en ciencias sociales. Buenos Aires: Nueva Visión, 261-289.
Valentine, S. and Fleischman, G., 2008. Ethics Programs, Perceived Corporate Social Responsability and Job Satisfaction. Journal of Business Ethics, 77, 159-172. DOI: 10.1007/s10551-006-9306-z
Van Quaquebeke, N. and Eckloff, T., 2010. Defining respectful leadership: What it is, how it can be measured, and another glimpse at what it is related to. Journal of Business Ethics, 91 (3), 343-358. DOI: 0.1007/s10551-009-0087-z
Van Tulder, R. and Van der Zwart, A., 2006. International business-society management linking corporate responsibility and globalization. London and New York: Routledge.
Voegtlin, C., Patzer, M. and Scherer, A.G., 2012. Responsible Leadership in Global Business: A New Approach to Leadership and Its Multi-Level Outcomes. Journal of Business Ethics, 105, 1-16. DOI: 10.1007/s10551-011-0952-4
Wiengarten, F., Lo, C.K.Y. and Lam, J.Y.K., 2017. How does sustainability leadership affect firm performance? The choices associated with appointing a chief officer of corporate social responsibility. Journal of business ethics, 140 (3), 477-493. DOI: 10.1007/ s10551-015-2666-5
Zigarmi, D., Edeburn, C. and Blanchard, K.H., 1991. Research on the LBAII: A validity and reliability study. Escondido, CA: Blanchard Training and Development.
Zigarmi, D., Edeburn, C. and Blanchard, K.H., 1995. Getting to know the LBAII: Research, validity and reliability of the self and other forms. Escondido, CA: Blanchard Training and Development.
Zu, L. and Song, L., 2009. Determinants of managerial values on Corporate Social Responsibility: Evidence from China. Journal of Business Ethics, 88, 105-117. DOI: 10.1007/ s10551-008-9828-7
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