Social capital as a theoretical approach in Strategic Management
Beatriz Ortiz García Navas
Mario Javier Donate Manzanares
Fátima Guadamillas Gómez
The objective of this research paper is to investigate, from a theoretical point of view, the strategic relevance of social capital. In recent years, academic literature in this field has witnessed remarkable growth, recognizing social capital as a key element for companies, due to its contribution to the creation of competitive advantages. However, it might be said that its development is still emerging, given the number of discrepancies among researchers regarding its definition, measurement, and its positive or negative impact on other variables. For this reason, a set of empirical studies that show the social capital effect on diverse types of organizational results have been reviewed, taking as a reference the definition and dimensions proposed by Nahapiet and Ghoshal (1998). Additionally, different theoretical links between social capital and four related Strategic Management approaches are presented, such as the Intellectual Capital-Based View, the Knowledge-Based View, the Resource-Based View and the Dynamic Resource-Based View. A main conclusion drawn from this review is that social capital, being a knowledge-based resource, enables access to both internal and external resources and thus a firm's competitive advantage and, consequently, its value creation can be generated from the combination of both areas. Going in depth and clarifying this strategic linkage are thus a challenge to address in future studies.
How to Cite
Ortiz García Navas, B., Donate Manzanares, M. J., & Guadamillas Gómez, F. (2019). Social capital as a theoretical approach in Strategic Management. Cuadernos De Gestión, 19(2), 137–158.
Organizational social capital, theoretical approach, Strategic Management
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Hsu, J.S.C. and Hung, Y.W., 2013. Exploring the Interaction Effects of Social Capital. Information & Management, 50 (7), 415-430.
Inkpen, A.C. and Tsang, E.W.K., 2005. Social Capital, Networks and Knowledge Transfer. Academy of Management Review, 30 (1), 146-165.
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Kogut, B. and Zander, U., 1996. What Firms Do? Coordination, Identity, and Learning. Organization Science, 7 (5), 502-518.
Landry, R., Amara, N. and Lamari, M., 2002. Does Social Capital Determine Innovation? To What Extent? Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 69 (7), 681-701.
Leana, C.R. and Pil, F.K., 2006. Social Capital and Organizational Performance. Evidence from Urban Public Schools. Organization Science, 17 (3), 353-366.
Lefebvre, V.M., Sorenson, D., Henchion, M. and Gellynck, X., 2016. Social Capital and Knowledge Sharing Performance of Learning Networks. International Journal of Information Management, 36 (4), 570-579.
Lesser, E.L., 2000. Leveraging Social Capital in Organizations. In Lesser E.L. (Ed.): Knowledge and Social Capital. Foundations and Applications. Butterworth-Heinemann, 3-16.
Lesser, E. and Cothrel, J., 2001. Fast Friends. Virtuality and Social Capital. Knowledge Directions, Spring-Summer, 66-79.
Lesser, E. and Prusak, L., 1999. Communities of Practice, Social Capital and Organizational Knowledge. Cambridge, MA: IBM-Institute Knowledge Management.
Li, L., Lin, Z.J. and Aranda, B., 2008. The Turtle-Hare Race Story Revisited. Social Capital and Resource Accumulation for Firm from Emerging Economies. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 25 (2), 251-275.
Li, P.P., 2007. Social Tie, Social Capital, and Social Behaviour. Toward an Integrative Model of Informal Exchange. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 24 (2), 227-246.
Lin, N., 2001. Building a Network Theory of Social Capital. In Lin, N., Cook, K. and Burt, R. (Eds.): Social Capital. Theory and Research. New Jersey: Aldine Transaction, 3-29.
Lourand, G., 1977. A Dynamic Theory of Racial Income Differences. In Wallance P.A. and Le Mund, A. (Eds.): Women, Minorities, and Employment Discrimination. Lexington: Max Lexington Books.
Loury, G., 1992. The Economics of Discrimination. Getting to the Core of the Problem. Harvard Journal for African American Public Policy, 1, 91-110.
Martín-Ríos, C. and Septiem, M., 2013. Cooperación e Intercambio de Conocimiento en Redes Inter-Organizativas Informales. REDES- Revista hispana para el análisis de redes sociales, 24 (1), 193-216.
Maula, M., Autio, E. and Murray, G., 2003. Prerequisites for the Creation of Social Capital and Subsequent Knowledge Acquisition in Corporate venture Capital. Venture Capital, 5 (2), 117-134.
Maurer, I., Bartsch, V. and Ebers, M., 2011. The Value of Intra-Organizational Social Capital. How It Fosters Knowledge Transfer, Innovation Performance, and Growth. Organization Studies, 32 (2), 157-185.
Molina, F.X. (Director), 2008. La Estructura y Naturaleza del Capital Social en las Aglomeraciones Territoriales de Empresas: Una Aplicación al Sector Cerámico Español, Madrid: Fundación BBVA.
Moran, P., 2005. Structural vs. Relational Embeddedness. Social Capital and Managerial Performance. Strategic Management Journal, 26 (12), 1129-1151.
Moran, P. and Ghoshal, S., 1996. Value Creation band Firms. In Keys, J.B. and Dosier, L.N. (Eds.): Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, August (1), 41-45.
Mu J., Peng, G. and Love, E., 2008. Interfirm Networks, Social Capital, and Knowledge Flow. Journal of Knowledge Management, 12 (4), 86-100.
Nahapiet, J. and Ghoshal, S., 1998. Social Capital, Intellectual Capital and the Organizational Advantage. Academy of Management Review, 23 (2), 242-266.
Newbert, S.L., 2005. New Firm Formation. A Dynamic Capability Perspective. Journal of Small Business Management, (43), 55-77.
Parra, G., Molina, F.X. and García, P.M., 2010. The Mediating Effect of Cognitive Social Capital on Knowledge Acquisition in Clustered Firms. Growth and Change, 41 (1), 59-84.
Pirolo, L. and Presutti, M., 2010. The Impact of Social Capital on the Start-ups’ Performance Growth. Journal of Small Business Management, 48 (2), 197-227.
Portes, A., 1998. Social Capital. Its Origins and Applications in Modern Sociology. Annual Review of Sociology, 24, 1-24.
Preston, D., Chen, D., Swink, M. and Meade, L., 2017. Generating Supplier Benefits through Buyer-Enabled Knowledge Enrichment: A Social Capital Perspective. Decision Sciences, 48 (2), 248-287.
Presutti, M., Boari, C. and Fratocchi, L., 2007. Knowledge Acquisition and the Foreign Development of High-Tech Start-Ups. A Social Capital Approach. International Business Review, 16 (1), 23-46.
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