Competitive dynamics of strategic groups in the Portuguese banking industry



Published 25-02-2021
Albérico Travassos Rosário
António Carrizo Moreira
Pedro Macedo


The objective of this paper is to analyse the retail banking behaviour in Portugal (2008–2010, 2011–2013 and 2014–2016), by taking into account the financial and economic assistance programme (FEAP) – monitored by the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund – that Portugal went through and that started in 2011. With competitive dynamics it is possible to understand the evolution of competitive strategies of the institutions of a strategic group within a given time horizon. Data were collected after consultation of reports and accounts of Banks from Banco de Portugal database. The results were analysed and discussed in light of the theory of strategic groups and their competitive dynamics allows us to conclude that: Banks implemented different competitive strategies; Strategic groups have dissimilar resources; and Strategic groups display different strategies. The 2008–2010 period can be considered as a ‘deregulated’ period, the 2011–2013 as a period of ‘imposed regulation’, and the 2014–2016 as a period of ‘strategic consolidation’ with strategic changes that have prompted strategic groupings of the various institutions as consequence of a low mobility barrier strategy.

How to Cite

Travassos Rosário, A., Carrizo Moreira, A., & Macedo, P. (2021). Competitive dynamics of strategic groups in the Portuguese banking industry. Cuadernos De Gestión, 21(2), 119–133.
Abstract 253 | PDF Downloads 68



Strategic Groups, Competitive Dynamics, Strategy, Banking Industry, Portugal

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