Bibliometric and systemic analysis of the relationship between management and carbon



Published 11-02-2022
Yenny Naranjo Tuesta
Cristina Crespo Soler
Vicente Ripoll Feliu


This paper aims to present a bibliometric and systemic analysis of the Bibliographic Portfolio (BP) jointly examining the literature related to topics like “Greenhouse gas,” mainly carbon, and “Management,” as published in databases data such as Web of Science and Scopus in the field of economic and social sciences. The Knowledge and Constructivist Development Process methodology —Proknow-C— was used to establish the final portfolio and through the VosViewer program were mapped the various groups or relationships between the studied literature. The paper presents the theoretical and methodological aspects focusing on the areas and countries of study and highlighting the most relevant authors to have researched this particular topic. We use this constructivist model to describe the measurement variables and synthesize the concepts most used in these studies in order to propose new focal points and thematic approaches that could be developed further in the future.

How to Cite

Naranjo Tuesta, Y., Crespo Soler, C., & Ripoll Feliu, V. (2022). Bibliometric and systemic analysis of the relationship between management and carbon. Cuadernos De Gestión, 22(1), 215–228.
Abstract 377 | PDF Downloads 197



Carbon management, Greenhouse gases, Climate change, Management accounting, Management system, Proknow-C

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