Entrepreneurial intention a bibliometric approach



Published 11-05-2022
Víctor G. Alfaro-García
Fabio Blanco-Mesa
Ernesto León Castro


This paper aims to present a bibliometric analysis of the literature on an entrepreneurial intention that considers different topics to enhance starting a business. Using the Core collection of the Web of Science, 1,549 papers are found from 1900 to December 2020 to be analyzed. The analysis is focused on documents, authors, journals, countries, and keywords to detect areas and trends in this field of study. Likewise, bibliographic couplings, co-citation, and co-occurrences are analyzed. Findings show that the field has started to grow since 2010; the most influential authors and universities are in Spain and Taiwan, such as the case of Liñan, Liang, Ip, and Moriano.

How to Cite

Alfaro-García, V. G., Blanco-Mesa, F., & León Castro, E. (2022). Entrepreneurial intention a bibliometric approach. Cuadernos De Gestión, 22(2), 139–153. https://doi.org/10.5295/cdg.211558el
Abstract 325 | PDF Downloads 124



Bibliometric Analysis, Entrepreneurial Intention, Entrepreneurship, Co-Citation

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