No. 71 (2023)

Published: 01-02-2023


In Memoriam. Ricardo Miralles, Historian: from Prieto and Negrin’s Socialism to International Relations

José Luis De la Granja, Santiago de Pablo , Ludger Mees
Abstract 251 | PDF (Español) Downloads 583 XML (Español) Downloads 60 | DOI

Page 9-22


Professional Career of the Elizabeth II’s Artillery Generals (1843-1868)

Diego Cameno Mayo
Abstract 326 | PDF (Español) Downloads 630 XML (Español) Downloads 285 | DOI

Page 25-55

The Narrative about the Nation in the Debates at the Ateneo de Madrid (1875-1898)

María Muñoz Sanz-Agero
Abstract 242 | PDF (Español) Downloads 531 XML (Español) Downloads 93 | DOI

Page 57-89

El Mercurio of Santiago de Chile: the World Liberal Discourse before Russia in 1905, and 1917

Cristián Eduardo Garay Vera, Diego Ignacio Jiménez Cabrera
Abstract 243 | PDF (Español) Downloads 475 XML (Español) Downloads 493 | DOI

Page 121-152

From Modernity to Reaction. Josep Maria Tallada, Economics and Politics (1884-1946)

Paola Lo Cascio
Abstract 177 | PDF (Español) Downloads 469 XML (Español) Downloads 69 | DOI

Page 153-181

Aileen O’Brien: a Catholic pro-Franco activist in the United States during the Spanish Civil War

Rafael Escobedo Romero
Abstract 204 | PDF (Español) Downloads 508 XML (Español) Downloads 51 | DOI

Page 183-219

The Irish Government and the Peace Mediation in the Spanish Civil War. An Impossible Mission?

Pere Soler Paricio
Abstract 361 | PDF (Español) Downloads 627 XML (Español) Downloads 44 | DOI

Page 221-254

Indalecio Prieto – Bruno Alonso: Collection of Letters (1937-1938)

Pedro Mª Egea Bruno
Abstract 244 | PDF (Español) Downloads 507 XML (Español) Downloads 99 | DOI

Page 255-286

Women Religious and the Conciliar Aggiornamento in Spain: Towards an Identity Renewal (1962-1965)

Verónica García Martín
Abstract 536 | PDF (Español) Downloads 594 XML (Español) Downloads 118 | DOI

Page 287-318

Construction and International Dimension of Authoritarianism in the Arab World

José Abu-Tarbush
Abstract 286 | PDF (Español) Downloads 682 XML (Español) Downloads 123 | DOI

Page 319-353


FORTI, Steven. Extrema derecha 2.0. Qué es y cómo combatirla, Siglo XXI, Madrid, 272 pp.

Amara Rubio Gómez
Abstract 343 | PDF (Español) Downloads 535 XML (Español) Downloads 195 | DOI

Page 360-362