Unibertsitateko irakasleen profila



Published 2011-03-30
Eguzki Urteaga


This article aims to specify the university teacher profile, particularly in developed countries. Fundamentally, it might be said that University overcrowding beginning in the 1960s (given that the number of students increased tenfold), as a consequence of democratising the education system and schooling the baby-boom generation, caused an increase and a diversification in teaching staff. This far-reaching transformation had consequences on teachers' status, functions, tasks, social-cultural origins and academic and professional careers. This mutation, in addition to leading to a loss in social prestige for the profession (as demonstrated by their low salaries), has weakened the profession's internal cohesion as we might well wonder what a well-known and recognised lecturer from a great University has in common with a teacher giving a few classes in a small centre. All this has an impact on the quality of university teaching.

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