Bulling in Primary Education: characteristics of the phenomenon, prevention and provention



Published 2022-11-19
Alazne Zarraga Olatz Seoane Iratxe Redondo


Bullying is a phenomenon that has gained great strength in recent years and its effects are devastating at all levels. Being a reality that begins in the last years of Primary Education, it is essential
to identify it as early as possible, and implement intervention mechanisms. Therefore, this article had two main objectives: on the one hand, to contextualize and describe the phenomenon, explaining its types, participants and consequences for everyone involved. On the other hand, to address the possible intervention from schools in bullying situations. Thus, as part of this second objective, the
most known and currently used prevention programs are presented and the term «provention» is explained,
another interesting and innovative approach to be taken into account. In addition, the role of tutors is highlighted, since their attitude and involvement is fundamental, both in the evolution and in the resolution of these situations.

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