Systematic observation of early child autonomy support dressing at the Emmi Pikler nursery school in Budapest



Published 2022-11-19
Maitane Belasko Txertudi
Elena Herrán Izagirre M. Teresa Anguera Argilaga


Dressing is a recurrent and fundamental care for the daily life of infants and toddlers. By the age of two, participation in their own self-care increases significantly as adult intervention decreases,
and progress towards autonomy in this learning process is unstoppable if the educator supports
it adequately. The aim of this study is to observe and analyze this issue; how the educator of the Emmi Pikler Nursery School in Budapest supports the two- to three-year-old children in her group to dress themselves autonomously. This study has been carried out in the natural and usual context of the activity, by means of an instrument created ad hoc, as proposed by the observational methodology, which has been the one used. The results show the existence of two different patterns of support for
child autonomy in the care of dressing: with direct intervention and with indirect intervention by the
educator, each with its corresponding essential qualities. Both reflect a way of understanding and executing this daily care that safeguards early child autonomy at all times and in all circumstances.

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