The contributions of Cooperative Learning to the Basque School Ecosystem, towards inclusion
The aim of the work we present is to analyse the contributions of Cooperative Learning that has been developed since 2009, through a case study in a public Primary School in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country, work that is part of the initial phase of research of the UPV/EHU "Educational Innovation and Diversity: Contribution of Cooperative Learning to the Ecosystem of Basque Schools in the Primary Education stage". This qualitative methodological research will be a pilot test to evaluate tools in which the functioning of the scripts for the dialogue and the focus group will be tested to see if any adjustments are necessary. The results include significant data from the interview and focus group on the pedagogical dimensions of the Cooperating for Learning, Learning to Cooperate program and the contribution of the foundations and methodology of Cooperating for Learning, Learning to Cooperate to the Basque School Ecosystem, as well as the program's contribution to inclusion and student learning. It was concluded that there is a need for complementarity of external training and self-training around the Cooperating for Learning, Learning to Cooperate and the importance of shared school leadership; highlighting the foundations of Cooperating for Learning, Learning to Cooperate (positive interdependence, equal participation, simultaneous interaction, individual responsibility, and group evaluation) and the contribution of the methodology to the Basque Schools Ecosystem.
Cooperative Learning, inclusion, equity, inclusive methodologies, continuous training
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