EHU-ko orientazio psikopedagogiako practicumetik orientatzailearen lanbide konpetentzien ikasketa



Published 2011-09-14
Rakel Del Frago Garbiñe Irazu Javier López Amaia Mujika


This article aims to present data obtained from studen­ts' experience of the practical side of Psycho-pedagogic Guidance within their Psycho-pedagogy Degree. This refers to fundamentally qualitative empirical research with the basic aim of finding out about the professional skills employed by guidance professionals along with teachers-tutors in Education Centres. Specifically, it has aimed to extract a map of the skills which guidance professionals use in their everyday work. Also, moving forward along this line, emphasising skills to be developed, formulated in terms of weak­nesses, which are considered essential for quality guidance practice. For this reason, and once the skills have been identified, as a result of systematic observation and shared reflection between studen­ts during the practice period and in later research team sessions, the skills were then listed and contrasted with the theory studied during the two years of these second cycle studies, appearing in the set of subjec­ts corresponding to 2005/06 and 2006/07. The study has taken a skills framework as a reference which is classified into techniques (k­nowledge), methodologies (practical work), participative (group work) and personal (individual) work. Among the resul­ts obtained, we can highlight: a) a clear similarity between the skills obtained by studen­ts in practical Psycho-pedagogy work during the training period and those emphasised by the literature consulted; b) a list of skills to be developed and improved (weak­nesses detected from the praxis) by the teacher-tutor; c) there are five core subjec­ts for the Psycho-pedagogy Degree which work these skills explicitly. The work concludes by suggesting the need to increase subjec­ts working on relations and work in common as basic skills. Lastly, it sugges­ts the need for a professional course revolving around guidance, identifying the corresponding professional as a counsellor
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