Nola identifikatzen dute unibertsitate-ikasleek ikasteko behar duten informazioa eta informazio hori non lor daitekeen?



Published 2012-02-17
Txema Egaña


In an information-oriented environment, with increasing amounts of information, brought about by developments in technology for producing, organizing, storing and accessing information, and the increasing importance of information in personal and professional life, a person needs to know when and why information is needed, where to find it, and how to evaluate, use and communicate it. This study was intended to describe how students identify their information need and where they can locate this information. The study was carried out at Mondragon University (Basque Country). A questionnaire-based survey was carried out among a sample of students, and qualitative data was collected through five different focus groups. Participants were students and their teachers. Findings suggest that students understand the importance of identifying their information need but they translate this cognition into their practice only if teachers ask expressly for that or if they have a personal interest in the subject. Most of the time, student's information need tends to be weak. Students mainly use internet for information searching and they don't use the university library for searching academic information.

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