Zer dakite DBHko ikasleek gramatikaz? Subjektua eta Nor/Nork eztabaidan. Kasu azterketa



Published 2012-02-17
Amelia Barquín Uri Ruiz Bikandi Teresa Zulaika


This paper describes a case study carried out in a Model D (Basque immersion) secondary classroom where students are working on a teaching sequence about grammar. The article explores the way in which the students reflect on the use of the grammatical subject in Basque. Evidence from their written responses and discourse reveals the different routes they try and the difficulties they encounter during this reflection. Amongst the most relevant findings is the students' need to know certain grammatical terminology in order to carry out this meta-linguistic reflection. Thus the study calls into question the relevance of the terminology used nowadays in teaching certain grammatical functions in Basque (nor/nork).

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