Espainiako Bigarren Errepublikaren garaia hezkuntza berrikuntzari begira



Argitaratua 2011-09-14
Igor Camino Ainara Olarra


The Second Spanish Republic was proclaimed on 14th April 1931. Although this period represented significant general changes in Spain, many of them were specifically reflected in the educational panorama. From i­ts creation, the Second Republic embarked upon a programme involving total reform of the education system. I­ts representative axes were as follows: building schools, setting up a single system composed of three cycles, providing a boost from active and participative pedagogy and proclamation of secular teaching.

In order to analyse the basic aspec­ts of actions carried out during the Second Republic, it will be essential to refer to the emergence of the Free Teaching Institution at the end of the 19th century, given that this Institution planted the seeds which later flowered during the time of the Republic.

After referring to the emergence of the aforementioned Institution, moving forward into the 20th century, Spain was ruled by a dictatorship before the Republic was proclaimed: the dictatorship of general Primo de Rivera. Following this period, with the aforementioned proclamation of the Second Republic in 1931, an important renovation began in the educational panorama, particularly from 1931 to 1933. This renovation sparked hope for the future.

The Second Republic lasted until 1939, and i­ts development process involved travelling a long road littered with good intentions and obstacles. Unfortunately, the aforementioned spark of hope could not be kept alight for long, given that the Spanish Civil War and above all the winning side, did everything it could to extinguish it, throwing Spain and i­ts educational panorama back into dark­ness.

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