Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement





The journal Veleia works in collaboration with authors, reviewers and members of the Editorial Board and the Advisory Board to obtain a responsible publication in terms of research, according to the principles derived from the guidelines proposed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and other International Associations.


Authorship and contribution

Texts submitted for publication will be based on unpublished and original research, without manipulation of data or attempts at falsification, and will respect editorial codes of ethics. It will be a requirement that authors have made a significant contribution to the novelties presented in the text. Authors must also declare in advance any conflicts of interest that may exist.

Plagiarism, in any of its manifestations, will be considered a breach of ethics and will be prosecuted. This means that no part of the text will have been previously published, either by the author or by any other person. Irrespective of the journal's tools for detecting indications of plagiarism, the author is obliged to report any serious errors in the text, so that they can be corrected or removed.

The journal urges all authors to ensure that the data and results of the texts are original; therefore, papers that have been copied (in whole or in part), manipulated or falsified will not be accepted. Any of these practices will be considered scientific fraud.

Papers that have been simultaneously submitted to other publications prior to a notification of rejection or voluntary withdrawal will not be accepted, unless they are a substantial modification of previous texts, which will always be duly informed.

They must also comply with research standards in terms of the possibility of:

- scientific discussion, which implies acknowledgement of outside authorship.

- confirmation or refutation of interpretations.

The author is obliged to follow the blind peer review process used by the journal, and to follow the indications provided by the reviewers.


Complaints and appeals

Veleia will handle possible complaints and appeals impartially by listening to the parties involved. Depending on the nature of the possible complaints and appeals, these will be considered by the editorial board. Decisions regarding complaints and appeals will be made in accordance with the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).


Conflicts of interest

Evaluation is carried out according to the blind peer review model, making it anonymous and confidential for authors and reviewers. When carrying out the evaluation, reviewers will take into account the editorial policy on malpractice and will follow the recommendations of the journal. Reviewers are selected on the basis of their professional background and expertise in each of the subjects covered by the journal. They should therefore reject review proposals if they are not considered qualified in the subject matter or if there is a conflict of interest.

All participants in the process of creation, evaluation and publication of a scientific text (authors, evaluators and editors) must avoid any commercial relationship (competitive or collaborative connections) or personal relationship that influences the results or review of a study. The author should also report all financial sources for the work. In the case the article is accepted for publication, this information will be included in the text.


Data exchange and reproducibility

The journal Veleia opts for open access to its contents in order to facilitate the exchange of data and their reproduction, so that the whole scientific community can rely on them to carry out their research.

To this end, not only are the contents available on the journal's website, but authors are also encouraged to include their articles in their personal repositories and are even allowed to disseminate a pre-print version of their article that has already been accepted for publication.


Code of Ethics

Considering that the ethical quality of a scientific publication is the responsibility of all those involved in its preparation (authors, editors and reviewers), Veleia's code of ethics, following the instructions of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), will ensure that the protocols related to the responsibility of authors, editors and reviewers are complied with.

Authors must submit texts for publication based on unpublished and original research, without manipulating or falsifying data and respecting the codes of editorial ethics. Plagiarism, in any of its manifestations, will be considered a breach of ethics. The author is obliged to report any kind of serious error in the text, so that it can be corrected or withdrawn. The author is obliged to follow the blind peer review process used by the journal, and to follow the indications provided by the reviewers (see ‘Authorship and contribution’ above).

The editor, in the first place, and the entire Editorial Committee will show their impartiality when handling the texts that reach the journal's secretary. Under no circumstances will they use confidential information (data or interpretations) contained in unpublished works for their own benefit, either in whole or in part, without the prior consent of the author. The editor also undertakes to maintain the anonymity of both authors and reviewers and will provide the right of reply to authors who receive a negative review.

Reviewers will be selected on the basis of their professional background and expertise in each of the topics covered by the journal. When receiving manuscripts, they will be asked to indicate their availability to prepare the report. If so, they must comply as far as possible with the deadlines for the delivery of the requested reports and the journal's evaluation system. Reviewers should decline review proposals if they do not consider themselves to be qualified in the subject matter or if there is a conflict of interest.

The evaluation is carried out according to the blind peer review model, making it anonymous and confidential for authors and reviewers. After the evaluation of the manuscripts by the Editorial Committee, the manuscripts will be sent to two external reviewers (from a different institution than the author) who will anonymously issue their report. At the time of the evaluation, the reviewers will take into account the editorial policy on malpractice and will follow the recommendations of the journal.

As for the review process, the reviewers will consider the importance of the text, its originality and its general structure; they will then issue a report in which they will reflect the proposed improvements and propose, if necessary, to cite works not reflected in the bibliography. If the reports are negative, the article will be rejected. In such cases, the journal's management reserves the right to request further reports to clarify any doubts as to whether or not the texts should be published.

The journal periodically publishes the list of its reviewers.



In the event that malpractice is detected, if it involves plagiarism or conflicts of interest, those involved in the process of editing articles:

-will not encourage or allow any misconduct.

-seek to avoid and report any identified misconduct.

In any case, if malpractice occurs, Veleia's management, in close contact with the Editorial Committee, is responsible for resolving the problem:

-carrying out all the necessary investigations.

-keeping all relevant documents (manuscripts and evaluation reports).

-contacting the author and giving him or her the opportunity to argue what he or she deems necessary.

-correcting, where necessary, any errors that may result from simple human error.

-considering the total withdrawal of a publication or the partial correction of a text resulting from malpractice.


Actions against malpractice

Prior to the publication of an article in its final form, text that incurs malpractice may be withdrawn, either on the author's initiative or by the journal's management.

If malpractice affects only part of the text, it may be corrected or remedied during the editing process.

If malpractice is detected when the article is already published, the corresponding erratum will be published afterwards with the corrected version agreed by the editor and the author.

If malpractice affects the whole of an article, in addition to the corresponding rectification through an erratum, the link to the work in the electronic version will remain available but will be clearly and unequivocally identified as retracted in order to distinguish it from other corrections or comments.

In any case, Veleia's management reserves the right to report any type of malpractice detected and to initiate any legal action it deems appropriate to preserve the good name of the journal and thus guarantee the publication process of scientific papers.


Intellectual property


All the originals published in the journal Veleia, whether in printed or digital format, are the property of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU).

The contents of the digital version are distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.


Post-publication discussions and corrections

Veleia works in favour of quality and responsibility in the editorial process. For this reason, once the articles have been published, if any errors are detected:

- if they are small and minor, they will be corrected as best as possible.

- if they are serious, they will be corrected by means of an erratum, subject to agreement between the editor and the author.

If malpractice is detected, the article will be marked as retracted (see code of ethics).