1. General rules
Authors wishing to publish in Veleia should send their texts following the journal's instructions. No payment or fee is required. The originals must be unpublished. The first page should include: the title of the paper (original language and English) and details of the author(s) (name(s) and surname(s); institution to which he/she belongs; full postal address; telephone, e-mail and ORCID number). A summary or abstract of a maximum of 900 characters in the same language as the text should be included, along with an English version. The abstract will be completed with a series of key words (maximum 5), both in the original language of the article and in English.
The journal Veleia promotes the use of inclusive language (within the standards of literary and scientific language) in those languages in which grammatical gender has some kind of external expression.
2. Main content. Format
The text shall consist of a maximum of 50,000 characters (with spaces) and 15,000 in paper-reviews. To emphasize terms or passages in the printed text, italics should be used, and bold type should be avoided, unless there is a convention in the discipline for its use (e.g., transcriptions of the Iberian or Oscan national alphabet).
Maps, diagrams, figures, tables, etc. will all be considered as figures and will be ordered consecutively. In the text, references to figures should be made in abbreviated form and in parentheses: (fig. 3) or (fig. 3, no. 2) or (fig. 3, A) or (figs. 3 to 5). The images will be included in the text with their corresponding footer; the graphic files will also be attached in separate files. Low graphic quality illustrations will not be accepted.
3. Main body
a) Do not indent the first line of a paragraph, which should be justified to the left.
b) Use Times type UNICODE as the font for Greek and other symbols. Warn the printer in a separate file about the use of special characters (give a computer identification of these characters). In this case, it is necessary to add the files containing the display type and the printer (true type).
c) Double quotation marks ("abc") are used to emphasize passages of text or for short quotations. Single quotation marks, for translations and glosses (e.g., lat. fero 'to carry'). Double Latin quotation marks («abc») will be reserved for the title of articles or book chapters (e.g.: Hernando Balmori, C., 1935, "Sobre la inscripción bilingüe de Lamas de Moledo", Emerita 3, 77-119) and for long textual quotations; in the latter case, double English quotation marks ("zxy") may be inserted for interior clarifications.
4. Bibliographical references and notes
4.1. Bibliographical references (in text)
Bibliographic references should be inserted in round letters throughout the main text of the article, and the call for footnotes should be reserved for longer citations. Example: "Beltrán 1942, 52" (also "Evans, GPN, 235") and "Abascal & Jimeno 2000".
The abbreviations of authors and Antiquity sources will follow established conventions in the following works: a) Adrados, Fco. R., (dir. ), 1989-, Diccionario griego-español, Madrid, for Greek works and b) Thesaurus linguae latinae for Latin works.
4.2. Notes
Footnotes should preferably be limited to explanatory comments; callouts should be inserted before punctuation marks;
e.g. …of funerary figures1 .
5. Final bibliography
In alphabetical order of surname, and by year within each author.
a) Surnames will be written in Small Caps; they will be followed by the abbreviations of the names, organizing the sequence of the data in the following order: surname, first name, year (year + alphabetical letter if there is more than one publication per year), titles, collection in square brackets, place, publisher, pages (without indication of "pp." or "pages"). Examples:
Beltrán, P., 1942, Sobre un interesante vaso escrito de San Miguel de Liria [Serie de trabajos varios VIII], Valencia: Servicio de Investigaciones Prehistóricas.
Hoz, J. de, & L. Michelena, 1974, La inscripción celtibérica de Botorrita, Salamanca: Universidad de Salamanca.
Maluquer de Motes, J., 1971, «Late Bronze and Early Iron in the valley of the Ebro», en: J. Boardman, M. A. Brown, T. G. E. Powell (eds.), The European Community in Later Prehistory. Studies in honor of C.F.C. Hawkes, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 107-120.
b) If the same author has several publications, the name should be repeated. For example:
Michelena, L., 1954, «De onomástica aquitana», Pirineos 10, 409-458.
Michelena, L., 1995, «Guillaume de Humboldt et la langue basque», en: Lengua e Historia, Madrid: Paraninfo, 126-142.
c) The place of publication of any publication indicated in the Bibliography as well as in the notes should preferably be written in the form or language proper to the toponym; thus Paris, London or Trier, and not in Spanish, París, Londres or Tréveris.
6. Offprints
After the publication of the volume, the authors will receive their text in PDF format.
7. Authors' access to their articles
Authors of articles (whether they are research articles, news, varia or reviews) will be able to access their own work on the journal's own website and have control over the dissemination of the originals. Articles are subject to a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC-BY-NC-ND) standard. Authors may place them in their personal repositories and also have the possibility of pre-print dissemination of articles already accepted for publication.
On copyright, see ‘Copyright notices’.