Oriental cults in the "regio IV Italiae". Epigraphic evidence and archaeological signs



Published 31-03-2014
Cecilia Ricci Andrea di Meo


In this paper, we consider some epigraphic documents as evidence for the spread of "oriental" cults in the regio IV Italiae (Samnium et Sabina). A preliminary introduction presents a framework of similar pieces of evidence in other towns of Roman Italy: those records raise questions about possible worship places and integration of the cults in the civic pantheon. In the subsequent analysis, the evidence of the fourth Italian region is discussed in relation to its numerical representation, geographical internal distribution, persons involved and dating. To conclude, the records are listed according to provenance and briefly presented.

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Dossier monográfico: Movilidad geográfica en el Imperio Romano. Prácticas religiosas y funerarias