The forgotten places of the promotions at the end of the Republic in «Hispania citerior»: the cities with «peregrinus» right (state of the art)



Published 07-01-2015
Nathalie Barrandon


Two centuries after the beginning of the Roman presence in the Iberian Peninsula, most of the cities of the Hispania citerior had peregrinus right. This article presents the constraints connected with their participation in the pax Romana, the common features of their institutional characteristics, and also prepares the ground for a representative cartography of the situation at the end of the Republican period. However, between the map of the coin production from of the beginning of the 1st century BC and the data of Augustean period, the most radical fates emerge: disappearance and promotion. Indeed, the sources have highlighted the cities of Roman or Latin rights. An analysis of the means by which these rights were acquired in the time of the civil wars allows us to shed a little more light on the fate of the forgotten places of the promotions, i.e. the civitates peregrinae.

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Dossier monográfico: "Hispania citerior" bajo Augusto: Cuestiones de Geografía, Historia e Historiografía