The "C. Iulii" and the posterity of the names of Augustus in "Hispania citerior": study of their civil and military significance



Published 07-01-2015
Estíbaliz Ortiz De Urbina Álava


This is an analysis of the civil and military significance of the C. Iulii C. f(ilii) and C. Iulii documented in forty inscriptions found in Hispania citerior, dating from the Julian-Claudian dynasty until the end of the Severans. The assembled evidence shows that these persons belonged to the imperial aristocracy, militiae equestres, the provincial and local aristocracies and the Roman army. We also try to ascertain whether the juridical promotions (civitas Romana, ius Latii) and the deductiones of coloniae carried out by Caesar and Augustus in Hispania had any impact on the use of this onomastic sequence.

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Dossier monográfico: "Hispania citerior" bajo Augusto: Cuestiones de Geografía, Historia e Historiografía