The Salian Priesthood of Saguntum. Reception of Augustus' Religious Program in a "municipium" of "Hispania citerior"



Published 07-01-2015
José A. Delgado Delgado


Saguntum was the only provincial town in the Empire where there were Salii within its worship structure. The Salii had long historical links with the old Latium communities, and therefore, the origin and nature of the Saguntine priesthood poses a veritable historical conundrum. My research proposal is based on the premise that the institutionalization of the priesthood was a response by the local elites to certain impulses from the imperial capital, in particular to Augustus's 'Latin' program. The particularly social and political aspects of this program are illustrated by means of a prosopographical study on the recruitment of the college members, whereas the specifically religious aspects are analyzed in a historical and religious study of the priesthood.

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Dossier monográfico: "Hispania citerior" bajo Augusto: Cuestiones de Geografía, Historia e Historiografía