Anatolian languages and Proto-Indo-European



Published 13-12-2016
Ignasi-Xavier Adiego


This paper is a state of the art report on the dialectal position of the Anatolian group (which comprises Hittite, Luwian, Palaic, Lycian, Milyan, Carian, Pisidian and Sidetic) within the Indo-European linguistic family. It evaluates the two main positions which have hitherto tried to explain the strong divergence between the Anatolian languages and the reconstructed Proto-Indo-European linguistic stage: on the one hand, there is the hypothesis which assumes a general process of loss of linguistic categories in Anatolian; on the other, we have the hypothesis which assumes an early separation of Anatolian from the common language. In this regard, I will point to some biased opinions about linguistic change which have conditioned this discussion. As well as that, I will emphasize the progress in the study of the Anatolian languages other than Hittite, and their contribution to the question on the dialectal position of Anatolian in the Indo-European group. The conclusion is that the present situation makes it difficult to decide which of the two positions discussed is right.

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Dossier monográfico: Franz Bopp and his Comparative Grammar model (1816-2016)