On the Names of the Indigenous Family Units in Ancient Hispania (2nd part)



Published 10-10-2017
Eugenio R. Luján


This paper aims at offering a revision of the relationship between the names of indigenous family units in genitive plural attested on the inscriptions of Ancient Hispania and the indigenous names found in onomastic formulae that can also be used to refer to these units. As a continuation of a Veleia 2016 study on the various suffixes used for deriving these names, we present in this paper the results of a comprehensive reexamination of the documents including kinship terms together with names of family units, and paying special attention to the third Botorrita bronze. The data support the idea that these family units were not big tribes or clans, but smaller groups with a limited duration in time. This can be connected to the information provided by a number of inscriptions concerning the emergence of new family units provided with a new name inside previously existing units that we dealt with in the first part of the paper.

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