Parthia capta: Trajan Emperor's last res gesta



Published 11-07-2018
Julián González


Abstract: The year 114 AD Trajan undertakes the last and most glorious of his deeds: the war against the Parthian empire, which would conclude with the defeat of his adversaries, the conquest of his capital Ctesiphon and the creation of three new provinces: Armenia, Mesopotamia and Assyria. Then the Senate honored him with the titles of Optimus Augustus and the cognomen devictae gentis, Parthicus. His sudden death in August 117 AD in Selinunte, a city of Cilicia, and the decision by his successor Hadrian of forsaking the conquered territory have deprived us of knowing the end of such a successful campaign.

Keywords: Trajan, Parthian empire, Eastern limes, the Armenian problem, new provinces, Armenia, Mesopotamia, Assyria, Hadrian

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Dossier Monográfico: Trajano "Optimus princeps"