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For the period between 1920 and 1955, Argentine had a progressive increase of Right-wing trends strongly tied both to the Church and to the Army. A rise simultaneously framed and fostered by both the context of the Great Depression and the Argentinian agro-exporting model. In this context, nationalist and antiimperialist discourses expanded rapidly for their finding of mass communication means, primarily the journals and the magazines. However, the controversies that distinguished the political debate lacked, for reasons to be explored in this paper, a lineal impact on the pedagogical discourses. The result being that the esteem towards the Greek and Roman societies maintained a relevant place in the scholar curricula, and not showing the available projects acrimonious differences. This fexible scheme permitted the ancient societies to become a topic of much interest for a broad audience, no regarding their skills as professional historians. Nowadays, the convergence between a nationalist discourse and second one extolling the immediacy poses at serious risk the importance of these studies.
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