Los inicios del poblamiento neolítico en la provincia de La Rioja



Published 20-10-2011
Ignacio Barrios Gil


In this article we haven't tried to achieve a further aim than to outline the state of the issue about the beginning of The Neolithic in La Rioja and, of course, in the western side of the Ebro Middle Basin. Although we have based our work on Basque and Navarrese sites of great importance, the lack of a written full text at the moment is very important. Ten different sites have been researched in order to get information and we've got the most varied information. Apart from one site, which was isolated, five of the finds were workshops of silex, deposits which offer very limited chance. Due to this fact, we have to persist in two fronts: the search of new deposits and the encouragement, once the archaeological excavations have come to an end, of the consequent complementary analysis.
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