Suelo de ocupación magdaleniense en la cueva de Praile Aitz I (Deba, Gipuzkoa): evidencias de arte mobiliar



Published 23-02-2012
X. Peñalver Iribarren J.A. Mujika Alustiza


In the late excavation of the cave Praile Aitz (Deba, Gipuzkoa), consecutive settlements of the Late Ice Age have been found. In this article, we study the most significant archaeological materials of the Lower Magdalenian period; those were found on an artificial floor made up with small limestones. In this floor were also found lithic industry and animal remains, that we will not talk about in this essay, as well as an assagai, ochre remains and some interesting pendants (four perforated boulders and three goat's incisor teeth with a double perforation).

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