An Epigraphic Fake: IHC 19* and the Construction of the Mythical Story of the Origins of Sanlúcar la Mayor (Seville)



Published 15-04-2013
Salvador Ordóñez Agulla Sergio García-Dils de la Vega


In this paper the edition of the false inscription IHC 19* is offered. The piece has been found in San Eustaquio Church, Sanlúcar la Mayor, Seville, reused as a lintel in exactly the same place where Gallegos de Vera and Vázquez Siruela located it. Some considerations about the transmission of the inscription and its role in the construction of the mythical story of the origins of Sanlúcar are added.

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III. "Ex codice ad titulum". Modelos para la epigrafía del Renacimiento y del Barroco