Looking out the train window from the birthplace to Avignon Basque language cinema's first steps



Published 17-11-2016
Josu Martinez


André Madré and Gotzon Elortzawere the first filmmakers in the basque language cinema history. They both followed the same pattern, at about the same period, they were both living in Paris and wrote amateur style documentaries. The first called "Gure Sor Lekua" (1956); the second,"Ereagatik Matxitxakora" (1959) "Elburua Gernika" (1960), "Aberria" (1961) and "Avignon" (1963). However, the movie directors are completely different in their biographies as well as from a social and ideological viewpoint. That's how they show the evolution and cycle change which basque culture knew in the 50's decade, both in the Northern and Southern parts of the Basque Country and bring the testimony of that period.

This article provides a context for Madré and Elorza's works and motivations through a historical analysis. It shows their own differences in the key moment to the modernization of euskera, and also explains how they reflect as such, the deep changes in the culture.


How to Cite

Martinez, J. (2016). Looking out the train window from the birthplace to Avignon Basque language cinema’s first steps. ZER - Journal of Communication Studies, 21(41). https://doi.org/10.1387/zer.17268
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