The effectiveness of websites in business communication of small and medium enterprises. A study in SMEs in the province of Cadiz



Published 12-06-2017
Pedro Pablo Marín Dueñas María del Carmen Lasso de la Vega Gonzál


Given the importance that the web is becoming for developing the communication of SMEs, this research has as main objective to analyze the corporate sites of a sample of small and medium enterprises of the province of Cadiz. From the perspective of interactivity, navigability and web content, this work will measure the effectiveness of it to facilitate communication between SMEs and their audiences, applying, for this, the mixed methodology of content analysis.

How to Cite

Marín Dueñas, P. P., & Lasso de la Vega Gonzál, M. del C. (2017). The effectiveness of websites in business communication of small and medium enterprises. A study in SMEs in the province of Cadiz. ZER - Journal of Communication Studies, 22(42).
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