

Published 12-06-2017
María Rincón Yohn
Marta Torregrosa Puig;
Efrén Cuevas Álvarez


The article seeks to define and analyze what it calls memory films, fiction or documentary films that have as their main theme personal memory. These films bring to the fore the present/past duplicity –inherent both in memory and in the filmic image–, which unfolds in a personal or subjective time. To represent personal memory, these films are articulated around three characteristics that manage to capture the dynamics of memory as a human faculty: subjectivity, temporal indiscernibility and performativity

How to Cite

Rincón Yohn, M., Torregrosa Puig;, M., & Cuevas Álvarez, E. (2017). THE FILMIC REPRESENTATION OF PERSONAL MEMORY: THE FILMS OF MEMORY. ZER - Journal of Communication Studies, 22(42).
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