Purple Lenses: The Appearance of the Gender Editor in the Mainstream Press. Preliminary Qualitative Study in Spain and the United States



Published 30-10-2019
Susana Pérez Soler Meritxell Roca Sales


This paper explores the newly created role of the gender editor that some media have started introducing in newsrooms with a double goal: to include the gender perspective in news coverage and to claim equal working conditions. This paper analyzes six
newspapers, legacy and digital natives, from Spain and the United States. Semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted with five gender editors to understand the responsibilities attributed to this new role as well as and the causes of their creation, both from a social and an economic perspective.
KEYWORDS: Gender editor; new professional roles; gender; newspaper; feminism.

How to Cite

Pérez Soler, S., & Roca Sales, M. (2019). Purple Lenses: The Appearance of the Gender Editor in the Mainstream Press. Preliminary Qualitative Study in Spain and the United States. ZER - Journal of Communication Studies, 24(47). https://doi.org/10.1387/zer.20738
Abstract 690 | PDF (Español) Downloads 526


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