Analysis of the Use of the Concepts Public, Stakeholder and Constituent in the Theoretical Framework of Public Relations



Published 02-11-2011
María Isabel Míguez González


This article reviews the use of the concepts public, stakeholder and constituent in the theoretical area of public relations, clarifying the possible meanings of each term and evaluating their relationship and utility for the discipline. In accordance with the proposal developed, the study advises against the use of the term constituent and proposes that the concept of stakeholder should be employed to refer to the groups that are in a state of permanent relationship with the organisation, reserving the idea of the public for the situational groups that emerge in and around specific circumstances or issues.

How to Cite

Míguez González, M. I. (2011). Analysis of the Use of the Concepts Public, Stakeholder and Constituent in the Theoretical Framework of Public Relations. ZER - Journal of Communication Studies, 12(23).
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